Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Looking Good

We have a number of problems in our world. Always have. Currently we face crises like political problems and an environmental apocalypse and mass shootings and hatred in terms of race, sexuality, etc. ... or not, depending on your perception. No matter how you view it, though, we certainly face problems these days.

For each problem we have solutions or, at least, actions we've come up with to mitigate them. Vote for someone on "our side" and we can ease the political problems. Stop using plastic bags and the environmental apocalypse moves one step further away. Control or even eliminate guns and children won't be killed in bulk in schools. Penalize those who are "haters" and hate will abate.

Unfortunately, most of our solutions are optics -- they're intended to make you feel better because it looks like we're doing something. As my (trite) examples demonstrate above, we really don't have solutions. But that won't fly. That doesn't improve our mood. So we try to look good at solving problems with heart-warming approaches. As our youth demand these days, "Do something." Well, dears, we are. Are we doing what you want? Probably not. Are we solving the problems? Surely not. But we're looking good trying. And that should make us all feel better.


  1. KITCHEN SINK—The LGBTQ community has praised Bob the Tomato as being "stunning and brave" after it was revealed that he is actually a fruit who identifies as a vegetable.
    Can always count on vegitales to raise the bar for our social awareness.

  2. No one appears to be listening to the complaints of Pluto, the dwarf planet that identifies as an actual planet. Poor Pluto.


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