Saturday, September 21, 2019

News Weakly - 9/21/19

No Fake News Here
The courts have been listening to the pre-trial stuff regarding the folks that brought you those revealing videos of Planned Parenthood people offering to sell body parts. Instead of a legal flurry of criminal investigations and charges against Planned Parenthood, the government is trying to charge the messengers with the crime. And the charges aren't going well. That's a story on its own, but the story behind the story is that it is nearly impossible to get the story. Why are media outlets not covering this? You'd think the liberal ones at least would be like sharks sensing blood in the water, but they're silent. No fake news here; no news at all. Why is that?

Democrats Want Your Guns!
Don't be ridiculous. The Democrats don't want to take your guns from you. Fake news. There are one or two that don't.

Just Another Crazy Day in California
Honestly, it feels like I could just have a "California" category for this weekly news piece. They are constantly doing something ... noteworthy. This time they're banning taxpayer-funded travel to Iowa. Why? Because "gender identity" is classified as a Civil Right in California and Iowa is not willing to have Medicaid pay for gender transition surgeries, the dirty rats. Standing on science. What's wrong with them?

Note that the story says that the California travel law was crafted as a response to religious freedom laws. So I suppose it's not science they're opposed to; it's the Bill of Rights. Right? Or is it just Christianity?

It's no surprise that all the other states are begging California to put them on the list.

The Violent Against Violence
Planned Parenthood is reporting that violence against abortion providers, both the people and the facilities, are experiencing an "uptick in violence" this year. They attribute it to the newly enacted state laws restricting abortion "and polarizing rhetoric surrounding the procedure." Violence is not good. Indeed, it makes no sense if the idea is "pro-life." Last year they recorded 1,369 violent acts. This year is "seeing a dramatic increase." In August three men were arrested for threatening mass shootings against Planned Parenthood facilities. How does "We want to protect life" coincide with "mass shootings"? I don't get it.

On the other side of the coin, "inflammatory language" like calling abortion "infanticide" and complaining that they're "killing babies" is a problem if it's not true. If it is true (as biology claims), then is the correct response, "Stop telling the truth!"? The "polarizing rhetoric" compares the millions of babies killed in abortion with the millions of people killed in the Holocaust. If the numbers fit (and, by the way, Jews are good and wise to point to the Holocaust in an effort to prevent it from happening again), why is this wrong? Violence is not the answer to the abortion problem. Neither is lying about it.

Making Your Biases Known
"What we would like to do, if at all possible, is to insult to the highest degree He who is called 'God.'" At least, that appears to be the aim of the "Pastafarian pastor" who "opened a government-sponsored prayer session while wearing a colander on his head on Tuesday in Homer, Alaska." I kid you not. The "Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster" (FSM) is a satirical organization aimed at insulting Christianity in general and God in particular. They are atheists at heart and hostile to theism. So, read it again. An atheist prayed at a "government-sponsored prayer session." In the name of "religious freedom." For all the "Government must be religious neutral" kind of talk, that is not religious neutrality.

Not the Babylon Bee
Truth is stranger than fiction. Apparently students at Union Theological Seminary decided it was necessary for them to confess their climate sins to plants.
Today in chapel, we confessed to plants. Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor.

What do you confess to the plants in your life?
What do I confess? Nothing. Nothing at all. Fascinating that plants are classified as "beings" but humans in womb are not.

No word on whether or not the plants accepted their confession.

News vs News
Ben Carson is concerned that a nefarious man might use a "transgender" ploy to declare himself a woman and enter shelters designed to protect women against nefarious men. The transgender world (and their advocates) is outraged. "Multiple academic studies have confirmed that trans inclusive policies do not endanger cis people," they assure us.

Of course, the news doesn't actually agree on that. In one incident a a sexual predator in Toronto was jailed after claiming to be transgender in order to assault women in two women's shelters. Last month a women's shelter in Alaska was sued for turning away a man in a nightgown.

A New Favorite
Adding this site to my list of favorites. is "The most reliable site for fake news on the planet" with stories like this one where 1st graders explain to Democratic hopefuls that you can't take other peoples' stuff. Another fun satire site.

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