Saturday, August 31, 2019

News Weakly - 8/31/19

Disorder in the Court
It used to be "sex reassignment surgery" but that was clearly wrong, wrong, wrong. Not "reassignment;" "confirmation." That's what they're calling it now. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the state of Idaho must provide "gender confirmation surgery" for an inmate who is not only a pedophile (convicted of it at the age of 22) but confused about his gender. In order to accommodate his confusion, the court has ruled the finding as "logical and well-supported" -- without regard to logic or science. The Democrats want to renovate the Supreme Court because their findings are too conservative. I know a lot of people that would like to renovate the 9th Circuit court for the equal but opposite reason. So now the people of Idaho will pay for a sex change because the court requires it "when it is contrary to the medical opinions of the treating physician and multiple mental health professionals."

According to a Think article from NBC, "heterosexuality is just not working." The purpose of heterosexuality, according to the article, is to allow men to maintain their societal dominance over women. It is patriarchy, "packaged in terms of biology, religion or basic social needs like security comfort, acceptance and success." Women have been "conditioned to believe that heterosexuality is natural or innate." Well, no more! We will not go peacefully into the night. Women will not reproduce! Patriarchy will not be allowed. Heterosexuality will not be tolerated. We will have freedom of sex! And gender! Except, of course, not heterosexual sex. That's right out.

The piece is listed as a "thought experiment" and I would suggest that it was not well thought out and a failure as an experiment. To be fair, it is my sincere suspicion that the author of this piece is using a word that she doesn't mean. At least, I hope so. You can't say "Homosexuality is natural and innate, but heterosexuality isn't." You can't argue that "No one is heterosexual by nature" without arguing that "No one is any form of sexual orientation by nature." Perhaps it's "monogamy" she's looking for or "sexual morality" she's aiming at or even "marriage," but surely she cannot actually be arguing that the only innate sexual orientation is "omnisexual" (anything and everything). Can she?

Barack Obama has launched a new initiative to take on gerrymandering. "The movement for fair maps will determine the course of progress on every issue we care about for the next decade." Gerrymandering is the manipulation of an electoral constituency's boundaries intended to favor one political party over another ... as long as we're talking about the other party. It's not gerrymandering if our party does it.

There You Have It
In another redefinition effort, we appear to have changed the meaning of "racism." According to Joe Biden, racism is "overwhelmingly a white man's problem visited on people of color." We've been hearing this for some time now, but in my dictionary "racism" is defined as "a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others." That would include the Japanese that hate Westerners (non-Japanese) and the people of color who hate whites and any other race that believes theirs is the superior race and others are of little value. In America today that is only decried in whites, but is certainly present ... everywhere.

Banning Hand Guns
A Court in Pennsylvania has ruled that using a "gunlike hand gesture" is a crime. The "imitate shooting a gun by holding your hand to look like a gun" move apparently makes people feel "extremely threatened" and that's illegal. Apparently the sooner we can ban hand guns the better. Maybe cut them off at the wrist? (Maybe we can come up with a list of other gestures that make people uncomfortable that we can ban.) At least we'll have to come up with laws governing the carrying of concealed hand guns.

Help for Porn Problem
Covenant Eyes, if you don't know, is an organization that offers help for people who want to quit looking at porn on the Internet. So it's a good thing, I guess, that they've now come out with a convenient "pluck your eye out" feature, right?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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