Saturday, August 17, 2019

News Weakly - 8/17/19

No Kill
Delaware has become the first state to ban killing animals in shelters. Planned Parenthood isn't protesting. The ACLU isn't up in arms. They're still busy protecting the right of mothers to kill their babies. But unwanted pets are safe in Delaware.

LGBT: 1 First Amendment: 0
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed the law that requires all schools in the state to include "the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State" in their curriculum. This includes public and private schools. The goal, State Senator Heather Steans who sponsored the bill said, is to "promote acceptance of the LGBTQ community." Oh, you're a Christian school and don't wish to push that agenda? Too bad. This is America and we don't tolerate intolerance ... or your right to freedom of religion.

Who's Leading Your Worship?
You may not know the name, Marty Sampson, but you may have heard some of his songs. He's best known for a song called Oceans from Hillsong United, a popular praise song in modern circles. Well, Marty has joined Josh Harris in bailing on Christianity entirely. Let me restate that. That popular worship song was performed by someone who rejects Christ. His dismissal of the faith is tragic and horribly misinformed, but you have to ask yourself, who is leading your worship? Why do we tend to give the musically-gifted the task rather than the theologically-sound?

(I really enjoyed this little tongue-in-cheek version of Marty Sampson's exit from the faith written from the perspective of Demas and Paul on Instagram.)

Unclear on the Concept
Five Democrats in the Senate and the city of New York have filed a brief against the Supreme Court warning that it needs to be healed or it will be restructured. Senators threatening the Supreme Court ... how does that fit with the Separation of Powers concept? Note that reconstituting the Supreme Court as they envision will require a rewriting of the Constitution. Some Democrats have some ambitious plans for us. But, they're not alone. Medical experts are recommending that every adult be tested for illegal drug use ... without a warrant ... or due process ... or, you know, anything legal at all. So I guess it's not just some Democrats.

Inflammatory Rhetoric
Shots were fired at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in San Antonio, Texas. Officials blamed "political rhetoric." Since the typical blame boy, Trump, is in favor of ICE, I would guess that the rhetoric in view here is the vitriolic verbal assaults against ICE from the Left -- politicians, media, activists, etc. I'm sure their admission of guilt and deep, heartfelt apology is at hand.

No Surprise Here
They will tell you that sexual orientation is from birth. They will tell you that having homosexuals as parents will not make any difference in that regard. Now they tell us that "adult offspring from planned lesbian families may be more likely than their peers to demonstrate diversity in sexual attraction, identity, and expression." Wait ... the government is telling us that gay couples do influence their kids toward gay expression? No surprise here.

Filed Under "Fake News"
Two illegal immigrants are accused of raping an 11-year-old girl in Maryland although, clearly, Trump was wrong for suggesting that some of the illegal immigrants have criminal intents, so I guess this just didn't happen. Fake news out of Maryland.

We Don't Need No Stinkin' First Amendment
The media is reporting, "The Department of Labor released a proposal Wednesday that would protect 'religion-exercising organizations' holding federal contracts if they are accused of having a hiring bias." Now, the quoted phrase there -- "religion-exercising organizations" -- clearly comes straight out of the First Amendment -- "the free exercise thereof." The ACLU and other advocacy groups are upset ... because we are no longer interested in the First Amendment.

A Curriculum to Beat All
The California Department of Education has drafted a new curriculum for students K-12 so they can learn about "interlocking systems of oppression and privilege that impact all people of color." Included in this new plan is teaching hxrstory (I didn't stutter), cisheteropatriarchy, womanism, and "the Four I's of Oppression." Okay, to clear some of that up, they want to teach your kids hxstory -- history written from a more gender inclusive perspective -- and cisheteropatriarchy -- a system of male, straight, conforming-to-assigned sex system of power -- and womanism -- feminism that emphasizes women's natural contribution to society (distinct from white women) -- and the Four I's of Oppression -- ideological oppression, institutional oppression, interpersonal oppression, and internalized oppression. Oh, don't worry. There are lots more brand new made up anti-white, anti-male, and anti-capitalism words in there. The clear message? Men are sexist, whites are racist, heterosexuals are domineering, and capitalism is racist. Do you really want to send your kids to this kind of public schooling?


  1. It’s ironic that the author of a popular song about faith, abandoned his faith.

  2. Democrats seem to be so willing to change or abandon the Constitution, but there is a non-legal statement they will fight tooth and nail for, the paragraph stamped on Lady Liberty. Some government official recommended banning the immigration of poor people and the media asked if he wanted to change the Statue of Liberty quote, as if that is sacrosanct. They see the Constitution as a document that needs to change with the times, but message on the Statue must stand for all time.

  3. David,

    Do you mean that statement that calls immigrants “wretched refuse”? That literally calls immigrants trash?

    But heaven forbid someone says infested.

  4. No Kill

    "Delaware has become the first state to ban killing animals in shelters."

    Maybe they can kill 'em somewhere else? Like a slaughterhouse before processing for meals?

    So they feel confident they can find homes for all more most. Fine. Why not use that effort and compassion for kids, recently born or about to be? How noble they are to maintain that euthanasia has its place. Jerks.

    LGBT: 1 First Amendment: 0

    I'm not sure if this education includes the contributions of LGBT community to the spread of disease, the rate of various negative physical and mental health statistics and other less than the goodness and blessings they intend to hammer into the captive audience of our unsuspecting kids. Evil manifested.

    Who's Leading Your Worship?

    Too bad. I'm sure I'll somehow get over it. Loved the Instagram bit. Perfect!

  5. I’m guessing they aren’t nearly as worked up over euthanasia for humans.

  6. They were referring to the "bring us your poor" bit, since the official in question wanted to block poor immigrants.

  7. I get that. I'm just suggesting that if we started referring to immigrants as "wretched trash", I suspect the folx would be up in arms.


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