Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Open Book Test

Remember the "open book test"? We loved that in school. That is, if we had to have a test, it was much better to have an open book one than something that relied on your own total recall. Open book tests were much easier.

As it turns out, in many cases life is an open book test. The answers to so many questions we ask ourselves turn out to be readily available.

"Should I pursue a sexual relationship with that person?" No (1 Cor 6:18).

"Couldn't I make a good career out of being a hit man?" No (Matt 5:21).

"How important are human beings in the grand scheme of things?" Very (Gen 9:6).

"Aren't people basically good?" No (Gen 8:21).

Much of the knowledge we seek is there for the taking.

"Is God Sovereign?" Yes (1 Tim 6:15).

"Aren't there lots of ways to get to heaven?" No (John 14:6).

"What is this thing called 'love'?" Okay, a longer answer (1 Cor 13:4-8), but it's there.

We can be sure of two things. First, our Bible is reliable and authoritative. Second, if it says it, it's true. If we could just get that straight in our heads, we'd have a lot fewer dilemmas to work through.


  1. Dude, those sound like rules.

  2. Facts? Answers to test questions? I'm sure we can call them something "less offensive."

  3. That’s just you assuming what things actually mean and trying to impose your assumptions on God.

  4. I wonder where you heard that before?


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