Saturday, July 13, 2019

News Weakly - 7/13/19

The Next Logical Step
We already have a society that will burn you at the metaphorical stake for the slightest accusation of particular offenses. Now we've moved to the next logical step. Four-star Admiral William Moran, confirmed by the Senate, was set to be the next top admiral for the Navy and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Instead, he has resigned. For what? What impropriety is he accused of? What was his inappropriate conduct? He had maintained a "professional relationship" (personal email) with a former staff officer who had been disciplined for inappropriate behavior. Mind you, Adm. Moran was not guilty of any such behavior; he merely maintained communication with someone who was. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer said, "This decision on his part to maintain that relationship has caused me to call his judgment into question." So, it makes sense. If you commit "inappropriate behavior," you should bear the consequences. If you know someone who commits inappropriate behavior, you must either shun them or bear the consequences. If you read about someone who didn't shun someone who committed such behavior, you should ... well, you can see how this is going to get really nasty. We do indeed live in a world of staunchly anti-judgmental judgmental people. "Hey, Stan, didn't you say you liked Bill Cosby's humor?" Uh oh ...

A Remarkable Company?
Nivea, the skin products company, has made the news in remarkable fashion. During a meeting with their ad agency (of 100 years), FCB, the agency pitched a commercial with two men holding hands. The company response was, "We don't do gay at Nivea." The ad agency "fired" Nivea and the voices are loud in condemning them for what they don't do. Because as everyone knows, "We don't make sex a part of our advertising scheme" is, by definition, homophobia. But, don't worry. It won't last. "We wish to express our concern on the reported allegations, as they do not reflect the values of Beiersdorf, Nivea and our employees worldwide," the company spokesman said. "No form of discrimination, direct and indirect, is or will be tolerated. We are strongly committed to diversity, mutual respect, equal opportunity and tolerance." Homophobic or not (whatever that even means today), it is not company policy and if it was actually said, the one who said it should be looking for work elsewhere. No company today can stand the assault of the LGBT leviathan.

Pesky Science
"Ziklag? We don't need no stinkin' Ziklag." In 1 Samuel 27 David and his little band of men (and their families) hid out from Saul in a Philistine town called Ziklag. We know that is the biblical account, but we also know that the Bible is myth and all those stories are made up and ... wait ... hang on ... oh, no, it appears that "An international team of archaeologists has discovered the remnants of an ancient settlement they believe to be the biblical city of Ziklag." Complete with a settlement dating back to ... you guessed it ... the time of King David. "According to the Bible," the article says, "Ziklag was ransacked and burned by a group of desert nomads called the Amalekites." "This settlement came to an end in an intense fire that destroyed the buildings," the IAA news release reported. Pesky science, raining on the skeptics' parade. Again.

Hate Equality
When the haters found out that the owner of Chick-Fil-A (that is, the owner, not the corporation) was a Christian who opposed gay mirage, they went wild. "Boycott 'em!" Chicago opted to exclude them from their inclusivity. San Antonio and the Buffalo Niagara International Airport opted to ban them because "New York is a welcoming state that celebrates diversity." Except, of course, if it is diversity on this issue. But, don't worry. They are equal-opportunity haters. The owner of Home Depot donated money to the Trump campaign, so haters now want that business boycotted, too. Because everyone knows that anyone that supports Trump should not be included in our society. "Now let me see ... didn't I read somewhere that 81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump? I suppose they're next to go, right?"

Racist? Sexist? Who Knows?
No one blinked an eye when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told one of the Democratic presidential candidates to "sashay away." The term is typically used toward men to suggest that they are effeminate -- "gay" -- and not in a good way. That wasn't sexist or rude in the least. But when Kellyanne Conway refers to AOC's dispute with Nancy Pelosi as "a catfight," well, now, that is sexist. (I thought the headline was funny over at this website: "AOC 'Womansplains' Sexism To Kellyanne Conway After 'Catfight' Comment")

I can't keep up. White people, by definition, are racist because they're white; black people cannot be racist at all. Men, by definition, are sexist because they're men; women cannot be sexist. Except when they are. Right? Oh, I don't know.

Illegal Health Care
Speaking of not understanding, here's another story I just don't get. California has become the first state to provide health care coverage for young undocumented adults. For illegal immigrants ages 19-25, California offers Medi-Cal. The state rejected a measure that would have covered illegals 65 and over. (No, seriously ... this is not from the Babylon Bee.) They said that was too expensive. Okay, so, up to this point I understand. Then the story says that existing California law has an "individual mandate that requires California residents to purchase health insurance for themselves and their dependents. Californians who fail to buy insurance would face a state tax penalty." Here's where I'm lost. If you're here legally and don't buy health insurance, you're not only not covered; you're penalized. If you are here illegally (between the mysterious ages of 19-25), you are not only not penalized for being here illegally, you're provided with coverage. This is what California's state government deems reasonable and just.

And Why Not?
In a sad turn of events, after Colin Kaepernick notified Nike that racists in the 18th century breathed, Nike's upper management voluntarily stopped breathing and died.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. What an upside down world.

    I had to share your first paragraph on FB when I shared that article about the admiral. Everyone is sooooooo PC today; how asinine are we going to get?!?!

    Nivea is now so afraid of being ostracized they are going overboard to promote an agenda of perversity!

    The whole issue of diversity reminds me of "Animal Farm" -- some ideologies are more equal than others.

    California needs to secede from the union to make their own socialist state.

  2. Because it’s clearly problematic to maintain any sort of relationship, no matter how superficial, with someone judged to be undesirable. The list of problems with this current double standard is obvious.


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