Friday, May 24, 2019

The Babylon Bee

No deep truths here. Just for fun.

I like the Babylon Bee. Yes, it's "your trusted source for Christian News satire" (which makes it stunningly embarrassing for those who have asked Snopes about if these stories are true), but it's also pointed. And it's not always at "them." It is just as much at "us." Take, for instance two recent stories. In one the headline reads, "Elizabeth Warren Surprises Grads By Announcing She Will Sharply Increase Their Taxes To Pay For Their Student Loans." Warren is "quoted" as saying, "You heard me right: total loan forgiveness in exchange for crippling taxes. What can I say except, 'You're welcome!'" Humor that makes a point. Then the Bee turns right around with the headline, "Scholars Now Believe Phrase Jesus Wrote In The Dirt Was 'Own The Libs'." You know that's aimed at us Christians because unbelievers wouldn't even know what the headline was referencing. "Jesus wrote a phrase in the dirt??" No, Christians, that one is aimed at us.

Recently conservative commentator Candace Owens had her Facebook account suspended. Now, mind you, Candace is a female, black, political activist that is pro-Trump and critical of Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Party, so, of course, the Babylon Bee had to put up the "Facebook Claims Party Celebrating Candace Owens's Suspension Was 'An Honest Mistake'" story to poke fun at Facebook's "Sorry, that suspension was a mistake." And Candace actually had to explain to folks that it was satire.

Some of it is just fun, like the Southern Baptist pastor who had to resign because he didn't like casseroles or the guy who interrupted the worship song to point out grammatical errors on the lyric slide. They lampooned the Star Wars fans who were demanding a rewrite of The Last Jedi with their story, "Angry Fans Petition God to Rewrite Ending of the Bible." There has been a lot of abortion stuff like the woman who thought that "healthcare" meant "tearing a human being limb from limb" or the story that linked the death of Grumpy cat (an actual news story) with abortion -- "Nation Takes Break From Killing Babies To Mourn Death Of Cat" -- or the uproar over Alabama's new law to save human lives and the immigration current events to give us the headline, "Caravan Of Unborn Babies Heads Toward Alabama To Apply For Asylum" or the one that points out the other side's view when a man encounters the bizarre notion that a woman wouldn't think that it was okay to kill babies in the womb. "She must be brainwashed." One that made me snicker was the headline, "Man identifies as Woman Just Long Enough to Voice Valid Opinion on Abortion." They made a point in satire that I tried to make in conversation when they reported how experts are warning that "Murders Will Just Occur In Back Alleys If Murder Outlawed." Theirs was funnier than mine.

If you haven't taken a peek at the Babylon Bee, you might give it a try. I like to see the ability to point to some truth with humor. They do that pretty well. For some laughs or even for some pointed humor, they're quite good ... even if sometimes it's pointed at you and me. Especially you.

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