Saturday, April 06, 2019

News Weakly - 4/6/19

Solving the Environmental Problem
Our world is getting more and more frenzied in its attempts to solve our environmental problems. More and more are coming to the same conclusion. Humans are the problem and the best way to save the earth is to eliminate the humans. This is the logical outcome of murdering babies in the womb -- human beings have no intrinsic value. Note that this position -- no value -- is a direct assault on God who says otherwise (Gen 9:6). I don't think that's a coincidence.

Feeling Better About Ourselves
New Zealand's deputy Prime Minister says that "within four weeks of the Christchurch terrorist attack, New Zealand will have passed legislation banning all military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles." They've accomplished this amazing feat by banning "every semi-automatic weapon used in the terrorist attack" used in the Christchurch mosque attack. The aim appears to be to limit the number of bullets that can be sent downrange at a semi-rapid rate, including handguns and shotguns. The point is to make New Zealand feel better about their sin problem by shifting available tools for people to kill in New Zealand. If they're anything like America, it won't be a big shift.

Belated Apology
Last week, Mexico's president asked for an apology from Spain for invading several centuries ago. I guess some people thought that was a good idea, because this week the mayor of New Orleans announced plans to apologize for the lynching of 11 Italian immigrants in 1891. The 11 (8 U.S. citizens and 3 Italian citizens) had been tried for the killing police Commissioner David Hennessy. Six had been acquitted; three others were awaiting a retrial because of a hung jury. The crowd that included prominent citizens took "justice" into their own hands, the jailers opened the cell doors, and the 11 were lynched ... much like they'd like to do these days when, say, a police officer is acquitted of a killing. We're much more civilized today. Note that they paid $25,000 in reparations in 1892 to the families of the victims. I'm not at all sure what the apology of a mayor in 2019 for something that was done in 1891 and settled in 1892 will accomplish. "It was bad and they shouldn't have done that" would have sufficed.

Value Clarification
Earlier this year Virginia signed up for an abortion law that would make it legal to kill unborn children who are viable and even full term as long as it is a "reasonable and good-faith judgment." At the same time the legislator who introduced the bill, Kathy Tran, also introduced legislation to protect cankerworms. Okay, so where are we? Clearly "baby" is of less value than "cankerworm." Now Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed a bill that outlaws "cruelly or unnecessarily beating, maiming, mutilating, or killing a dog or cat." There you have it, folks. Kill the babies, but protect the worms and make sure you don't hurt cats and dogs. That is a clarification of their hierarchy of values. A North Carolina man is being charged with animal cruelty for improper care of a pet fish. Yes, a fish. We, as a nation, no longer have a reasonable or clear sense of values.

Not Your Normal News
This isn't exactly a news item. It's something to consider. Cameron Cole, the director of youth ministries at the Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama, has written this disturbing encouragement for parents to be vigilant with their kids' use of social media and technology. If you have kids at home or grandkids, you might want to take a look.

Twitter Not
While Dumbo failed at the box office, Unplanned seemed to come out strong, garnering over $6 million while only playing at 1,059 theaters. If you haven't heard, Unplanned is the story of Abby Johnson who worked at Planned Parenthood before becoming a pro-life activist. Without giving a reason, Twitter suspended the Unplanned account over the weekend. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley has called for an independent audit. Twitter says it was a mistake, but when they lifted the ban, 99% of their followers had vanished. The Babylon Bee suggests a different reason for the problem -- a "truthful content warning."

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