Saturday, April 27, 2019

News Weakly - 4/27/19

Better Think Twice
Elizabeth Warren has decided it's time for Trump to go. Impeach the guy. Other voices concur.

In an unrelated-but-totally-connected story, Vice President Mike Pence was invited by Taylor University to do the graduation speech. And the crowd goes wild. A petition to block him has been signed by over 6,000 people at the writing of this piece. (I'm pretty sure that Taylor University doesn't have 6,000 students.) The irony, of course, is that Taylor University is a "Christian" university. "For more than 170 years, Taylor University has stayed true to its heritage, challenging each generation of students to integrate faith with learning and follow Christ’s calling." It is " a discipleship community, where 'iron sharpens iron' (Proverbs 27:17) and Christians can learn and grow together," and "100% of TU students, faculty, and staff make a profession of faith before entering the University." But they are horrified, appalled, devastated that someone who espouses biblical principles would be allowed to speak there.

The connection? My dad told me I should vote for Trump. I told him I couldn't. He said, "Yeah, but Pence is a dedicated Christian." "So, Dad," I said, "you want me to vote for Trump in the hopes that someone eliminates him?" The Dems might want to be careful. They may not like the replacement if they succeed in their hatred for Trump.

On Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka over 300 people were killed and more than 500 injured in 6 nearly simultaneous blasts that rocked churches and luxury hotels where tourists might likely be. Other explosions followed. Sri Lanka's government believes adherents of the Religion of Peace are the perpetrators. While hundreds of Christians die around the world on an ongoing basis without notice from the media, this kind of story can't be ignored, apparently.

Judge Not?
Many people don't know this, but the best known Bible verse these days is not John 3:16. It is Matthew 7:1. It is a verse many delight in flinging back in the faces of Christians when they try to point out "God says this is sin and you need Jesus." What is the verse? "Judge not, that you be not judged." And, yet, it is what they love to do when it suits them. The Philadellphia Flyers had a statue of Kate Smith removed after a controversy was sparked over racist songs of the 1930's, this immediately following the Yankees yanking her rendition of God Bless America for their traditional 7th inning stretch for the same reason. Now, no one really believes that because Dean Martin or Barbra Streisand put out a Christmas album they actually believe in Christ. And Kate Smith died in 1986, so we can't ask, "Hey, Kate, were you a racist? Or were you just singing songs? How do you feel about it now?" She can't defend herself. But it doesn't matter. She's out. "Judge not" can only be aimed at Christians, I guess.

Zero Emissions?
While voices get louder for zero emission vehicles -- electric cars -- a report out of Germany is telling us that electric vehicles account for more CO2 emissions than diesel vehicles. Emissions include those produced by battery production and power production to charge them. The Tesla Model 3 battery, for instance, "represents between 11 and 15 tonnes of CO2." That's not "zero emissions" no matter what you call it. Researchers are recommending switching to methane engines with emissions one-third less than those of diesel motors (which are roughly half the emissions of electric cars). As usual, you can expect the standard "Don't bother me with facts; I know I'm right" response from the rest of the "green" folk.

Why Science Should Not Be God
Last week the report was out that people who deeply believe in religion are brain damaged and they might be able to find a cure. This week a study said that "spiritual experiences confer lasting mental health benefits." The news item notes that this is in direct conflict with modern western medicine, but appears to be true. Science can't decide what is and is not reality. Science makes a lousy god.

Sex in the Courts
You have to understand. This is the vindication of what I've been warning about all along. This week the Supreme Court agreed to hear three cases involving discrimination at work on the basis of homosexual and transgender persons. The question? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 says that it is illegal to "discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." The argument is that "sex" includes sexual orientation and gender identity. Read that again. The question is whether or not we will redefine "sex" to mean something new. (Note, also, that the "sex" that we are redefining includes gender, linking, without intending to, the two concepts.) Now, it is inconceivable that the government that passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 intended "sex" to include either sexual orientation (who you like to have sex with) or gender identity (what gender you think you are), but the courts will decide for us whether or not it's okay to redefine what the framers of the law intended in the light of today's thinking. Because, after all, words only mean what we want them to mean at this moment. They do not represent anything actually objectively true. And reality is how those in charge define it. (Note the dangerous precedent. Government will decide what words mean and then alter your life to align with it.)

I Told You it was a Religion
The Satanic Temple is an organization aimed at non-religion. That is, they are in place to oppose religion. They chose the name to be offensive to religions, not to have Satan as their religion. On their webpage they indicate that they do not believe in Satan, they fight for secularism, and are primarily concerned about civil liberties and litigation to push religion out of the public square. They are mostly an anti-religion, political entity. So it is telling that the IRS has designated them as a church and, therefore, tax exempt. Mind you, I'm not complaining. I don't know why churches do it -- putting restrictions on what they can say in return for government money. I'm just pointing out that the IRS recognizes that atheism, anti-religion, and secularism are religions ... even though "religion" is defined as a belief in supernatural power. In their self-declared lack of faith, thanks to the IRS, they will now be able to compete with churches for faith-based government grants. If there are any churches out there reading this, may I say, "Let them." God doesn't need the government's money, especially with the strings they attach.


  1. I have seen a few times over the years, an ad that states Trump has committed "x" amount of impeachable crimes and we should get rid of him. But I always wonder, do you know what you're asking for? Did you forget who will take his place? Pence is ridiculed for his uber-"whiteness" and "extreme" religious views. I mean, isn't the saying that the enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't know? I couldn't care less if Pence got the job, the President isn't not nearly as powerful as we seem to think, and his time left would mean precious little time to do anything of consequence anyway, but with the vitriol thrown at Pence, do they really want Trump gone? Why do reasoning skills seem to be in such short supply? "I feel 'x' so it must be done, regardless of any information you have to refute me."

    Of course the bombings in Sri Lanka made the news, but not because of the church strikes. Americans were attacked. If those murderers had avoided the hotels, we'd probably not heard much more than a blurb or a tickertape scroll about it. Americans was the news worthy point, that there were churches attacked was coincidental.

  2. Maybe it's because I'm neither a big music or sports person, but who is listening to a generic song that has been recorded by hundreds of people and getting offended by who is singing it? I've been to a couple sporting events, and the should quality I'm those places is horrible. I'd be lucky if I could tell the gender of the singer, let alone who it was. Who is leaving a game, or not going to one, because of the specific recording of a song is used? "Oh, I was having a good time watching my team, but that song by that person ruined my day." Really? Some people have too many things to get offended over.

  3. I’ve said for quite a while that I’d rather have Pence than Trump.

    The problem is that the impeach Trump crowd would just turn their fury on Pence once Trump is gone.


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