Saturday, March 23, 2019

News Weakly - 3/23/19

Measures to Prevent Murders
In Zaoyang, China, a man attempted to kill his wife and daughter before driving his car onto a street and ramming pedestrians. At least 6 were killed including a child. The man was shot dead at the scene by police. China is moving for stricter car control laws requiring background checks and decreased gas tank sizes. Bernie Sanders thinks we should do the same. Oh, wait ...

The Intersectionality Hierarchy
You may or may not know the term, "intersectionality." It's fairly new on the scene. It's the point at which your particular characteristics and thoughts intersect to produce discrimination and disadvantage. Say, for instance, you're a person of color. One trait that produces discrimination. But say you're homosexual and a person of color. Okay, now you have two intersecting discrimination problems. If you're a woman, it's three. If you're a transgender woman, it's four. You get the idea. There is, in our world, a hierarchy of intersectionality, where various intersectionality traits are higher rated than others. Christians, for instance, might experience discrimination these days, but, as you all know, that's meager. Very, very, very low. Undetectable to most. We're all aware that African Americans are high on the list, but not as high as they used to be. Women have skyrocketed in the last decade or so. But at the top today is the Muslim. If you are a Muslim, you can discriminate against Jews, homosexuals, black people, women ... all of them because you are at the very top of that intersectionality hierarchy. Witness Fox News's "Judge Jeanine" who said she thought that sharia law was opposed to the Constitution and has been suspended from her broadcast. You don't question the patriotism of a Somali-American (1) woman (2) Muslim (3) who makes anti-Semitic (4) statements and hates Trump (5). I mean, that's five points of intersectionality!

New Word of the Day
Given the slip of rationality in our world today, it stands to reason that we'll have to keep coming up with new terms to describe the unreasonable-yet-given positions that are driving our society. While the "B" in LGBT stands for "bisexual" means "attracted to either" (bi=2) genders, the "T" stands for "Transgender" predicated on the notion that "binary gender is a social construct" (rationally terminating the concept of "bisexual") and we've spawned all sorts of new terms -- "gender dysphoria", "gender fluidity", new pronouns to go along with it, etc. Here's the latest: "misgendering." A mother has dropped her complaint after a journalist wrongly accused her of castrating her transsexual son ... sorry, daughter (you have to go with the story if you're going to report the story). The reporter didn't falsely accuse; she just "misgendered" the woman's "daughter". It is all so confusing these days.

(Postscript: "Misgendering" is what I have done here -- referring to this biological boy as a boy instead of whatever gender he believes his is.)

Legalizing Common Sense
Who says there's no common sense anymore? We do. Texas is actually working toward passing a law to allow children to run lemonade stands in the state. Because we don't have the common sense to figure out that lemonade stands for children are not the same as other types of businesses. "It's a great day for our Texas entrepreneurs," said Rep. Matt Krause, the bill's sponsor. Maybe, but it certainly reflects badly on our inability to figure this stuff out on our own.

Democrat Voter Guide
There is a slew of Dems aiming to become the president in 2020. If you're having trouble sorting them out, this site offers some helpful hints on what they are for and against.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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