Saturday, February 02, 2019

News Weakly - 2/2/19

Animal Rights, Human Wrongs
A rare bipartisan bill has been proposed that would make animal cruelty a federal felony. The youngest of children are still exempt. You won't be allowed to be unkind to an animal, but your right to kill a baby in the womb will be fiercely defended by the ACLU and others.

True Leadership
We are currently lin a reprieve from the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. The issue at hand is the border wall. Trump won't sign the budget without it. The Democrats believe that the border wall isn't just unwise; it is immoral. The two sides are trying to work out a compromise now. So it's helpful that California senator Kamala Harris has risen to "speak like a leader" by declaring herself "anti-Trump" and promising to fight the border wall at all costs ... including what it costs the American people. Another government shutdown? No problem for Kamala. Deal with it.

Don't worry; she's not merely running on an "anti-Trump," "I don't care what it will cost you as long as we don't have that border wall" platform. If elected she'll also work toward socialized medicine (universal healthcare at government -- your -- expense), expanded immigration, greater gun control, and expanding action on climate change and the Me Too movement. It's all good ... as long as you agree with all that. I'm not so sure, given the most recent election results, that America isn't leaning that way.

Stinkin' Research
Pew Research Center reported that participation in a religious congregation tends to make people happier and more civically engaged than those who don't. We've heard recently from the American Psychological Association that masculinity is a bad thing. I'm waiting with bated breath to hear that avoiding church is equally toxic. Of course, since Christianity agrees with Pew, it is obviously bad research.

In Politics
Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed to expand estate taxes on rich Americans to 77%. You may have earned it, but that doesn't mean anything from a Socialist Democratic point of view. His aim is to reduce income equality by stealing from the rich. (No mention of "and giving to the poor.") Good plan, right? That ought to open the door to openly stealing from everyone else. Sanders's plan was for those a progressive plan with the highest rate (77%) aimed at estates over $1 billion. Ocasio-Cortez has suggested a 70% tax rate for those with incomes over $10 million, and polls are suggesting that voters are becoming more receptive to the idea.

Speaking of Ocasio-Cortez, word is out that she's aiming at a "Green New Deal" legislation that would include a national requirement for 100% renewable (not clean; renewable) electricity within 10 years (currently we're at 17%) and universal healthcare (a favorite of hers). I wonder if that 77% estate tax from Sanders will need to expand to a 77% flat tax for all Americans to pay for their plans. Look for that stuff coming soon to a Congress near you.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam made the news this week over his comments on an abortion bill coming up in his state. It would allow abortions to take place up to and including after birth. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." Lest you think that Virginia is not about protecting the most at risk, Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran who introduced the abortion bill also introduced a bill on the same day to protect cankerworms. See? They really do care.

Poor Education
A private Washington DC school (tuition is $36,000/year) has refused to play sports against the Immanuel Christian School -- the school that Mike Pence's wife, Karen, teaches at part time. First they thought they'd play against them wearing rainbow socks and jerseys, but some of the students "did not feel safe." The school will still play against the Christian school at home games; they'll just try to be as offensive as they think they can be by wearing the rainbow colors they think will offend the Christian school. Sounds like bad schooling to me. You'd think at those prices you could get an education that would teach better ways to be more tolerant than that. But, oh, I forgot, "tolerant" doesn't mean "tolerant" anymore. More bad schooling.

Stupid Science ... Again
You remember Elizabeth Warren. She's the Massachusetts senator who claimed to be of Native American ancestry. Lots of people laughed. So, she die what you might expect. She had her DNA tested to show she really was. And, the DNA test agreed that she really was. Which, as it turned out, really angered the Cherokee Nation with which she identified as well as political operatives and her own advisers. As it turns out, she had to apologize because your racial affiliations are not part of your DNA. Goofy people. Genuine ancestry is actually "rooted in centuries of culture and laws not through DNA tests." So just because science says you're of Native American descent doesn't mean you are. Just because science says you're a male or a female doesn't mean you are. Just because science says you're of a particular race doesn't mean you are. Oh, wait, I don't think they're all in agreement on that last one. Oh, bother. Sometimes you can't tell which god is in charge. We're just pretty sure it's not God Himself.


  1. The great wrinkle to the VA governor story is that he might be forced to step down for blackface pictures from the 80’s, not for endorsing infanticide.

  2. Animal Rights, Human Wrongs

    I've always had an intense problem with "animal rights", as if animals are equal to people. I don't like needless abuse of animals, but they are, after all, just animals. By that I mean, specifically and unequivocally just animals. I've owned many in my life: dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, birds and a horse. I love animals. But they are just animals and there is no moral argument for elevating their status above and beyond the value and worth of each helpless and innocent child murdered for convenience by their own mothers and fathers. I've been involved in at least two major confrontations with people on social media over this distinction between animals and people. I will live quite comfortably for the remainder of my life being regarded by fools as cruel and uncaring toward animals, rather than be regarded as complicit in the abuse of children (and people in general), both born and yet to be.

    True Leadership

    This is the last time I will at this blog qualify my opinions of Trump by acknowledging he is a flawed individual. At this point, it would be as redundant as calling attention to those flaws. With that said, he has shown far more leadership than any of the 737 candidates for the Democratic nomination ever has. That is, unless one considers encouraging us to perdition to be a hallmark of leadership.

    Stinkin' Research

    Toxic atheism?

    In Politics

    Among the many fictions pushed by the left, this notion of income/wealth "inequality" is the most absurd. I am in no way impacted by the wealth and/or incomes of others. All that matters is how I live with regards how much I earn. I can choose to live paycheck to paycheck, never reducing my frivolous purchases in order to protect against misfortune, or I can adopt the habits of those who started with nothing and became wealthy. At my age, it's too late to go back and be a better student in school, but it is not too late to benefit from those wealth creating habits.

    The socialists would insist that poverty is the result of the wealthy. Therein lies the absurdity, and more so now than at any time in our nation's history. They like to believe that with the wealthy getting wealthier, that the rest of us have stagnated. That is not true, despite the degrees to which anyone has progressed. It is sheer covetousness and such is promoted by the socialists.

    It is also helpful to remember, as Cortez likes to question the morality of having, buffoons like her never set the point at which one has too much, nor do they understand that everything they hope to foist upon American (free this and that) requires taxing the people they hate to accomplish...though they can't be taxed enough to succeed in accomplishing their goals. It takes true idiocy to support such candidates.


  3. Poor Education

    Should Immanuel Christian face such agenda driven responses at sporting events, the team and their supporters should simply begin a chant, "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do" and repeat 3 or 4 times. I'd get such a kick out of that!

    Stupid Science ... Again

    While at Epcot Center with the family, I stopped into a shop that sold these "certificates" explaining the history of one's family name. My last name is German...or rather my grandfather was of German descent. The rest of my grandparents were Polish. My wife's half Italian and thus, her mother totally. Anyway, we'd always give each other jabs based on such things, her mother mocking me and her husband for our Polish heritage, while we'd get on her for Italian stuff. But when I had this store research my name, it turns out the earliest mention of it is an Italian guy who migrated to Germany. "Hey, look, Ma! I'm really a wop, too!"

    But truly, can I be considered Italian on such basis? It is far less likely than Warren being an injun, but the same question persists. What difference does it make, and should my having some far distant (even if unlikely) connection to Italy justify concessions as if actually Italian? In truth, I'm neither Italian, Polish, German or even American (though more the latter than any of the former). I'm an individual equal to all others.


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