Monday, December 17, 2018

What He Said

D.A. Carson said this and I had to pass it on. It is something that I've been trying to say for a long time; he just said it so well.
The aim is never to become a master of the Word, but to be mastered by it.
That's what I've believed and emphasized over and over to myself and to as many others as I could. It's not about "my opinion" or "my hunches" or even "my wise interpretation." It is letting the Word speak for itself and conforming my thoughts, my views, my emotions ... my worldview to God's view. It's not that I've mastered it. I want to be overcome by it. And if I find nothing in Scripture that challenges my current views or positions, I've ceased to pay attention because "'My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' declares the LORD" (Isa 55:8-9).

(And they said I couldn't do a short post. Ha!)


  1. Smart aleck kids these days ...

  2. stan, this is off topic, i wanted to see what the Greek translation means.
    because the king james uses the the word," of the truth, or from the truth"
    but i became a little confused with the results. maybe you can help.

    JOHN 18: 37
    37 ειπεν ουν αυτω ο πιλατος ουκουν βασιλευς ει συ; απεκριθη ο ιησους συ λεγεις οτι βασιλευς ειμι εγω εγω εις τουτο γεγεννημαι και εις τουτο εληλυθα εις τον κοσμον ινα μαρτυρησω τη αληθεια πας ο ων εκ της αληθειας ακουει μου της φωνης

    they say that the king does not have a king in which Jesus said that I am king I am that I am born and that I have fulfilled the cosmos I witness the truth of all of you from the truth hear my voice

    this is what the king said to me, the king said that I was king and that I was born in this world, and to that end I have witnessed to the cosmonaut I witness the truth to all of the truth, hear my voice

    I tried to translate from Greek to English using two different translating tools. And this is what I got.
    Very confusing…

  3. Absolutely and completely off topic. And ... really ... your translation includes "cosmonaut"?

    Here's my translation:
    "You say that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I might witness to the Truth. Everyone being of the Truth hears My voice."

    (Of course, that's skipping Pilate's initial question.)

  4. Not sure a straight up word for word translation is going to help unless you can understand the underlying syntax. That sounded like a lot of gibberish.

  5. Bob's reply:

    Has anyone seen the movie Mars Attacks? where the scientist use the interpretation machine?
    hilarious... anyway... i tried the google Greek to English translator..
    what i was trying to do is follow the thread from " everyone of the Truth". to this was very significant statement. it's like there are two distinctly different conversations going on.
    Pilot is talking about worldly kings, Christ is talking about Heavenly Kingdoms.
    but what i was focusing on; is the ORIGINS of those that hear His voice.
    if they are Of the truth, Jesus is; the way, the truth and the life.
    then the those that Hear his voice, must be of God.


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