Saturday, December 08, 2018

News Weakly - 12/8/2018

Official Democrat Statement on the Religious
The Massachusetts Democratic Party has passed a resolution "regarding the religiously unaffiliated demographic" that, I think, says a lot about the Democrats and their view (as a group) of Christianity. The resolution states that the largest religious group in the Democratic Party (28%) is the "Nones," those with no religious affiliation. "Nones" include atheists, agnostics, and the "spiritual" who are not connected with any religion. It states that those with religious views have "misplaced claims of 'religious liberty'" and use their views to threaten the civil rights and liberties of many Americans including the LGBT, women, and ethnic groups. It claims that people with those views are "threatening not only the United States but the entire planet."

Now, really, why don't you tell us what you really think?

Climate Change Causes Riots
Oh, that's not the headline they're using. But ... France saw some of the worst rioting in recent history this week. "Yellow jackets," far right and left, and anarchists burned and destroyed nicer parts of Paris because they are opposed to President Macron's fuel tax hikes, "necessary he says to combat climate change," and more. The elite in America poo-poo "climate deniers." People in France riot because the president strongly believes in it.
If you've followed this story, you know that the French president gave in to the rioters and withdrew the taxes necessary to solving climate change. In deep gratitude, the rioters ... "took to the streets of Paris for a third weekend of violence and looting." Because as we all know, giving in to the violent evil amongst us is the best way to ... reward it and keep it coming.

Kid Rock was fired from the Nashville Christmas parade because of a comment he made about ultraliberal Joy Behar. No, not a nice comment. But the single expletive was enough to get him removed from the job. Because insulting a woman of the caliber of Joy Behar is inexcusable. Insulting the president's daughter is fine and suggesting the beheading of the president is fine, but not insulting Joy. When folks like Samantha Bee and Kathy Griffin can proceed essentially without much consequence from much worse things against conservative figures, it makes you wonder how "justice" in these cases is determined.

This is What We've Come To
A cute and traditional winter song is no longer acceptable. WDOK Christmas 102.1 in Cleveland has banned Baby, It's Cold Outside from their playlist because it's "date-rapey". I mean, look. One character (It has been sung both with the male as lead and female as lead) says, "Say, what's in this drink?" See? "Date-rapey." That same character clearly says, "The answer is no." We all know, "No means no." And the other character keeps asking them to stay. Definitely inappropriate. The public has spoken. And we've lost all sanity on the subject. What next? Cancel The Christmas Story because of the bullying scenes?

Identity Fail
In the consummate double standards that rule the day, it turns out that Emile Ratelband is still 69. He was the guy who felt 20 years younger, so he sued to get his age changed. In this case "I identify as" doesn't rule the day. So our society will continue to choose when "identity" wins ("the opposite gender", "homosexual", etc.) and when it doesn't (another race, another age1, etc.), and it is still completely arbitrary. The definition of "truth" is "that which correlates to reality." We like our lies way too much to give them up now. "Who are you going to believe? Me or reality?" Depends.

I'm Just Sayin'
The reports are out. Apparently archaeologists 50 years ago found a 2,000-year-old ring. They cleaned it up recently and found it had an inscription that indicates it belonged to Pontius Pilate. You know, like, "Yeah, we told you so." Well, okay, maybe not. I mean, it doesn't take an archaeological discovery for me to believe. But it is interesting. Science keeps coming up with evidence. I'm just sayin'.
1 Even age appears to be negotiable, as in the case of the 50-something father who identifies as a 6-year-old girl who was adopted by a family (as a 6-year-old girl) to be the younger sister of their 8-year-old. Go figure.


  1. That resolution is self-contradictory. It begins by repeatedly accusing the religious of basing their public policy on their morals based on their religion. But at the end it claims that the "Nones", "just as any other, advocates for rational public policy based on science and universal humanistic views." According to their statement, then, the "Nones" are just as irrationally motivated by their "religion" as everyone else and don't base their public policy on science and blah, blah. I really liked the part where they claimed that science has anything to say about gender and sexuality that aligns with anything they actually believe. Ah, the Democratics, the perpetually confused.

  2. Democrats, sure, but, generally speaking, humans are the confused ones. As Paul put it, "futile minds" (Eph 4:17).

  3. As for the song, I've never much cared for it, but I just saw a post from a girl on social media where she said she told a guy she wasn't interested, but she really was and wondered why he didn't try harder.

  4. Also on that song, that video does make it look bad, especially when the roles are reversed. I've never been a fan of such forwardness. But I hear some people just like those kinds of "games".

    As a third thought, isn't it interesting that every time conservatives wanted to ban something they felt was too morally depraved (when it was actually more neutral) people called them prudes and nut jobs, but when liberals want something banned it's a-ok.

  5. I always enjoy your "News Weakly" posts.

    This one, like many, is being posted on Facebook!

  6. Yes, David, double standards abound.

    Glenn, glad you like 'em.

  7. Was there any question that Pilate was a real person? Or that Jesus really existed? I know there's question as to His claim of divinity, but His existence is historical, right?

  8. Pretty sure they knew he was real. I just like it when science concurs with what we've always believed.

    1. Well, they get picky what science they want to believe in, based on what feels good at the time. Like the gender issue. I won't call it a gender problem because it seems only a small percentage is suffering from the inability to identify what's between their legs. Btw, that's the one science they aren't believing. Go figure. You would think it's a given, when it's in plain sight. Seems easier for them to believe that cow farts are going to ruin the world. I wonder if they're flat earthers.

  9. When God leaves the building, guess what fills the vacuum (find any verse that speaks to the reprobate nature of our sin condition and when it's given free reign)?

  10. True, Fritz, although God hasn't left. It's sinful humans who have made the vacuum they fill with other things.


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