Saturday, December 01, 2018

News Weakly - 12/1/18

Filed Under "How Is This News?"
So, horror of horrors, it appears that Jack Ma, richest man in China and founder of e-commerce giant, Alibaba, is ... wait for it ... a member of the Communist Party. Yeah. Take that in. Because that's bad, right? And it's news that someone who is high up in China is a -- gasp -- a communist? Arizona didn't care that they elected a communist for their new senator. Why would this be news?

Always Believe the Woman
David Edelstein was a film critic for NPR. He isn't anymore. His crime? A bad joke. He made a joke about a sex scene in The Last Tango in Paris, unaware (he claims) that it was a rape scene or the backstory of the actress who was in it. "I have never and would never make light of rape, in fiction or in reality," he said. Doesn't matter. No room for error. Gone. Now, shall we begin lopping of employment heads of other people who have made bad jokes by accident? No, I suppose not. That would be consistent and if we are anything at all these days we are inconsistent (called "double standards").

No Sense Like Common Sense
So, on one hand they demand that the legal system allow teens to require their parents to let them get gender reassignment surgery. On the other hand, parents who force minor girls to have genital mutilation is defended by the justice system. Female genital mutilation is banned worldwide and is outlawed in more than 50 countries, but ours thinks it's perfectly okay. How does that make any sense? One might disallow it on "common sense," but it appears to me that we have no such sense anymore.

I've always argued that the planet seems to take care of itself. While others are running around warning that the world is coming to an end because we're messing it up, UT Austin is finding "nearly two dozen new types of microbes" that, get this, consume greenhouse gases. Go figure. Of course, I'm not counting on humans to save the planet, nor am I expecting the planet to last forever, so it's only mildly interesting, but I think we humans are arrogant if we think we've got it all figured out.

Unclear on the Concept
To be clear, I am the one who is unclear on the concept. It seems that thousands of migrants have repeatedly violated international borders, refused offers for assistance, and ignored the laws of various countries in order to get to Tijuana, Mexico, to "seek asylum" in the United States. "The truth is we are fighting for our rights" one of them said. Now they're hungry and tired and leaning hard on the thinly-stretched resources of Tijuana, so their idea is ... a hunger strike???

I'm not getting it. Why do people who are already hungry go on a hunger strike? Why do people offered help refuse it in order to get someplace that told them two countries ago they wouldn't get it here? Why is it their right to enter whatever country they wish to obtain whatever they wish? And, seriously, why is it that news media outlets can't report stories without such blatant bias? I mean, seriously ...

Illegal Immigration
Yes, all this stuff is disturbing. The president closed border crossings due to protests1. A mother tried to climb a wall at the border and skewered herself (in front of her children) on some rebar. (She is recovering.) Border agents fired tear gas at little children2. All bad stuff. But have you heard the latest? Apparently the migrant caravan has disappeared, but they left a cool wooden horse at the border. Go figure.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.
1 I don't know if you noticed, but that story about the closing of the border crossings was from 2009 when it was actually closed (not just a threat) and it was actually during the Obama administration and the president who closed the border was the Mexican president. Where's their outrage now?
2 Obama's administration used tear gas often for similar purposes, and the report is that some 500 migrants rushed the fence trying to climb or dig under it.


  1. Biodiversity- I've always had a hard time believing that we are the cause of climate change. First, we simply don't have enough historical data to determine if this isn't simply a natural process. Whether you believe it happened 10,000 years ago or 100,000, our planet is recovering from a global ice age. On the scale of a planet, it takes a long time to adjust from that. Second, science can't even agree on the cause. When I was a kid, it was caused by our chemicals punching holes in the ozone layer, this allowing more radiation into the planet. But not it's our chemicals causing the ozone to thicken and trap heat in. Now, I'm not opposed to the idea that we are having an effect, but I don't believe we're the cause. I also believe we were tasked with being stewards of this planet and we should do what we can to care for it. But it is the height of arrogance to believe we have that much power. I think, because of our lack of perspective, that we don't fully grasp the size of our planet, and we certainly don't fully understand its systems.

  2. Re, unclear on the concept. Because “self determination” apparently trumps everything else. Because “by any means necessary” is the new motto of the left.

    The silence from the open borders crowd on the things you mentioned and on the Mexicans deporting a bunch of these migrants, isn’t surprising in the least.

  3. David, I've always had a hard time with that, too. I have a standard lot at my house in the desert. I've gone to great efforts to make sure nothing grows here except the few desert plants I allow. "Water friendly," you know. So I put down plastic sheeting to keep stuff from taking root and when it does I kill it with chemicals and so on. You know, intentional assault on my "planet". You know what happens? I have weeds sprouting up everywhere all the time. Trying to kill it all, I cannot do it. If I can't do it on purpose in my little "world," what makes us think we can do it entirely by accident on an actual planet? I'm not ruling it out, like you, and I agree that we're to be stewards of God's world, like you. It's just that I'm a little dubious of the "human-caused" part of the "warming".

  4. Indeed, Craig. That is indeed the problem. Always has been. I just don't know why they think that. I don't get it. "Because I want it" is not a singularly good reason that they (anyone) should get it and ends don't justify the means.

  5. I love how gay people next to me in the pew sing Christmas carols better than I do.

  6. Um, okay ... does that have anything to do with anything I've written here? Seems a bit "out of the blue".

  7. Wow. You'll let anybody in here.

    Filed Under "How Is This News?"

    How can anyone be "the wealthiest" in a communist country? Isn't everyone supposed to be working for the state and not their individual selves?

    Always Believe the Woman

    It's amazing anyone is even allowed to talk at all on TV anymore.

    No Sense Like Common Sense

    So, it's OK if the parents force their kids to have their genitalia mutilated, but parents are prohibited from preventing their kids doing it themselves. Got it.


    I've recently heard again a great bit by George Carlin about those who think we are capable of destroying the planet. He really nails it in his own not-ready-for-family-hour way. Now, with the recent report for which Trump is getting trashed for dismissing, the environmentalist fascists think they have more support, despite the report being no more than a rehashing of that which they're already saying, but with greater fear-mongering attached.

    Unclear on the Concept

    To be clear, this whole caravan thing is a sham provoked by lefties for political reasons. Nothing they do makes sense as a result. It's all an act.

  8. Marshal, on the caravan, that's funny because all I hear from the left is how the right is blowing the whole caravan thing out of proportion, especially prior to the midterm elections.


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