Saturday, November 24, 2018

News Weakly - 11/24/18

The Rule of the Day
An Argentine submarine went down a year ago with 44 hands aboard. They found it this week. The government said they do not have the technology to raise the submarine. Following our current position of "If I want it you must give it," families of the lost sailors are demanding that the government raise the submarine.

In like form, recognizing that cancer is a leading cause of death, families of those lost to cancer are demanding that cancer be cured immediately. Why? Because we want it. Hey, while you're at it, how about world peace, too? Just because we want it, even if it's good, doesn't mean others are required to deliver it, especially when they can't.

Abortion in the News
Mississippi passed a law back in March that required that a child older than 15 weeks was free from being murdered. The judge threw it out. Of course, the headline indicates that an "abortion ban" was struck down, but that doesn't make sense. 1) Abortion prior to 15 weeks was still allowed. 2) We know that children in the womb are children. We know it. Read the news where a 14-year-old girl and her "unborn baby" were killed by random gunfire. Hear the heartwarming outcome of an unsolved murder of a woman and her "unborn baby" 21 years after the fact. See where "'Bachelor' couple's unborn baby already has 11k Instagram followers." How can a non-human wad of cells have followers? In Ohio the legislature is considering a law that defines "person" to include "unborn humans." Oh, that will never do. That would turn abortion into murder, and murder of unborn humans is a right in our country. You can be pretty sure that, while the government has no standardized definition of "person" or "human" or even "viability", the judiciary will certainly not defend the lives of children of which mothers and other women do not approve.

Make up your mind. Was Mississippi "banning abortion" or protecting babies? Is Ohio "redefining person" or just applying it as it should be? (On what basis did Roe v Wade not define "unborn child" as "person"? They don't know. Seriously, they did not have a reason or criterion.) Should we allow the sexual revolution define human life, or should we let God and Science (who agree)? I think we know the answers, and I think we will ignore them.

(On a side note, in that story about the Ohio law, why, do you suppose, the story goes to lengths to tell us the political party and genders of the sponsors of this bill? They are Republican and are made up of 14 men and 2 women. Why do they think that is significant? Any guesses? I think I know. And it's not due to "unbiased reporting".)

Global Warming
It seems that this year's Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was the coldest parade on record. The parade started at 19 degrees F. If this global warming keeps up, we're going to freeze to death. (Don't argue about it; just laugh with me at the joke.)

Michael Avenatti is the lawyer that represented Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Trump. "Citing his deeply held conviction that we should 'believe all women,' lawyer and advocate for oppressed females Michael Avenatti immediately plead guilty to domestic violence charges after being arrested by the LAPD" for sexual abuse. Now, I know that's not what you heard in the latest news, but it must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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