Saturday, October 13, 2018

News Weakly - 10/13/18

"Islam" Means "Peace"
Tell that to Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman who has been sentenced to death for blasphemy. Politicians that tried to assist her were assassinated. Salman Taseer, governor of Punjab, was shot by his own bodyguards for it. The headline reads, "Pakistan Islamists warn of 'terrible consequences' of blasphemy appeal." Oh, the blasphemy? She drank water from a neighbor's glass. They said she made disparaging remarks about Islam; she denies it and their witnesses have contradicted themselves. But, what can you expect in a nation that makes blasphemy punishable by death but doesn't define it and where evidence of it might be considered blasphemy? Tell me again about this "religion of peace." "You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means."

The Surprise Bigot
He's barely even there yet and the Left is talking about impeachment. Who? Justice Kavanaugh, of course. Duly selected, twice examined by the FBI, dressed and redressed, the likes of "We're not about impeachment" Nancy Pelosi and the "always fair and reasonable" online Left are busy signing petitions and urging the immediate removal of the new Justice. Then there is the Minnesota teacher who tweeted for someone to kill Kavanaugh. When did the Left become what they hate so much -- hateful, judgmental, intolerant bigots?

Like I Said
I mentioned before how we are a society of the offended. Here's a prime example. Astronaut Scott Kelly was commenting on the deep divisions in American politics. He quoted Winston Churchill who said, "in victory, magnanimity." Winners need to show grace. And the public went wild. How dare he quote a fiend like Churchill??? What's wrong with Kelly? And, Scott quickly apologized. "My apologies. I will go and educate myself further on his atrocities, racist views which I do not support." And the public went wild. How dare he call Churchill a racist??? What's wrong with Kelly?

The land of the easily offended.

Protesters or Mob?
When President Trump decried Democrats' "mob rule", the media responded in scorn. "It's ridiculous. It's politics. The Republicans are simply trying to amp up the voters for the midterm elections. Don't be silly. These are just protesters. Peaceful protesters. Like Hillary said, you can't be civil as long as Republicans are in power. Oh, wait, strike that." "Protesters" brings up images of a group of people expressing strong objection; a "mob" suggests the same crowd, only disorderly and violent. Thus, semantically, when a "protest" turns violent, it is classified as a "mob" or even a "riot." So when "peaceful protesters" stage an assault on the doors of the Supreme Court or come to blows with their opposition or tear up signs for ideas they hate, that would be classified as "a mob" since it cannot be termed "peaceful."

In recent news Israel killed 6 Palestinian protesters. Tragic. Really. Except we have a problem with terminology. These "protesters" were burning tires and hurling rocks, firebombs, and grenades at the Israeli soldiers. Hamas doesn't even call them "protesters"; they call it a "siege." That, dear readers, is not "protesters." What we have here is a failure to communicate ... or, to be more accurate, an attempt to lie about the events in question.

There Really is a God
In the UK this week the unthinkable happened. Daniel and Amy McArthur, Christian bakers sued for ... well, you know ... were exonerated by their Supreme Court. "Announcing the ruling, Supreme Court president, Lady Hale, said: 'It is deeply humiliating, and an affront to human dignity, to deny someone a service because of that person's race, gender, disability, sexual orientation or any of the other protected personal characteristics.' 'But that is not what happened in this case and it does the project of equal treatment no favours to seek to extend it beyond its proper scope,' she continued. She said that freedom of expression includes the right to 'not to express an opinion which one does not hold'. 'This court has held that "nobody should be forced to have or express a political opinion in which he does not believe”', she said."

Amazing! Common sense from a liberal land with a liberal court. The only possible explanation is Divine Intervention.

When Humor Imitates Life
The Babylon Bee is at it again, spoofing real news with humorous fake stuff, like the one where Hillary Clinton urges the crowd to "Let the hate flow through you." Sure, it's all fun and giggles until you hear the real story. Not as flashy, but just as disturbing.

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