Saturday, October 27, 2018

News Weakly - 10/27/18

Filed Under "I almost don't care at all"
Vogue magazine and Kendall Jenner are in big trouble, you naughty people. Vogue released some photos -- prepare yourself -- of Kendall Jenner with frizzy hair! I know! It was "cultural appropriation." "If they wanted that look," some complained, "they should have given the shoot to an African-American model." Because at no time should any white person have anything resembling some other cultural group's whatever. Of course, if a person of color wishes to straighten her hair (like the model of African descent shown with Kendall in one shot) or the like, that's certainly okay, because "cultural appropriation" as a cardinal sin only works in one racial direction. Vogue assured its audience that they were only going for "the big hair of the '60s and the early '70s, that puffed-out, teased-out look of those eras" that went well with the "period feel of the Brock Collection" she was posing with, but they were really sorry.

Not Funny at All
In 1976 Bruce Jenner competed in the Olympic men's decathlon event and won the gold. Great story. Then Bruce decided he wasn't a man. Fast forward to this week. Someone has produced a Halloween costume titled, "I am Cait" that is designed around Jenner's 1976 jersey. And the transgender crowd goes crazy. ("Massive backlash" the story says.) This is the kind of abuse trans people face very day. A president of a transgender support group assured us "it is not funny." (Hey, if we called it a trans-Jenner support group, would that be funny? No, I guess not.)

I agree. Not funny. Bizarre, but not funny. Because either a confused woman competed and won in the 1976 men's decathlon or a confused man is wearing women's clothing and calling himself "Cait," but both can't be true. And if a confused woman competed in the men's decathlon in 1976, I think she ought to surrender her falsely-gained gold for competing under false pretenses. Not funny at all.

Asylum Seekers at War
You've heard by now, I'm sure, that something like 7,000 people are marching on the U.S. from Honduras seeking asylum from an oppressive regime. Trump has vowed to send 2,100 mostly unarmed troops to stem what appears to be a literal human tide. They forcibly (by mass, not arms) breached Mexico's southern border last week and have continued to gather more "asylum seekers" headed north to asylum in America. One side urges a military halt to their advance; the other urges a more open-border approach. "Let them come! They're only seeking asylum!"

Here's what I'm wondering. Assuming Honduras is the problem, they could go to, say, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico ... there are lots of places to go that are not Honduras. (Mexico offered to let them stay there.) There are those even in the Christian community that claim we are obligated to open our doors to asylum seekers as a Christian duty. When did "Christian duty" become "forcing our government to take in questionable 'asylum seekers' traveling an insane distance for less-than-clear reasons"? And if it is the Christian's duty to coerce the government to render aid wherever it is required, I'm sure there is a clear list of places we can do that ... like Venezuela or Myanmar or all sorts of other places with nasty governments. Hey, how about Honduras?! I would like to point out that Christian duty has never been "force others to do what you think is right." I'm pretty sure that's the Left's job.

What Are They Feeding Those Kids in Florida?
The story was ugly. Two middle school students in Florida are facing charges after their plot was discovered. They planned to kill several students, cut them up, and eat them. Wait, it gets worse. The police say two girls, ages 11 and 12, came up with the plan. Wait, it gets worse. They got the idea after watching scary movies. Wait, it gets worse. They planned to wait in the bathroom at school so they could kill "at least 15" smaller kids. Wait, it gets worse. They figured out how to do it by doing online research. Wait, it gets worse. "They told us they were Satan worshipers." The police say they found the girls waiting in the bathroom, armed, to start their plan. The youngest brought a glass goblet with which to savor her victim's blood.

One of the most disturbing things to me in the story (and, mind you, there wasn't much that wasn't disturbing) was the warning at the top of the story. "WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DETAILS THAT SOME MAY CONSIDER DISTURBING." That there are some who may not find this disturbing is really troubling. I also wonder why an 11-year-old and 12-year-old were watching movies of that type and are avowed Satanists, but I suppose thinking that parents ought to be involved in their children's choices is an archaic idea. Tell me again about the innate goodness of human beings and the innocent children.

We Say Nay to Parody ... or Not
Maybe you're not familiar with The Simpsons, a cartoon centering around -- you guessed it -- the Simpsons. Among the characters there is the dad, Homer, a complete buffoon, and Bart, the son, Ned Flanders, a right-wing nut Christian, and Apu, the owner of the local Kwik-E-Mart and a spoof on Indians in America (not Native Americans). Apu, lately, has drawn fire because he's Indian and they're making fun. So they're dropping Apu to avoid the controversy. They would prefer to make a "fresh, funny and realistic portrayal of Indians in America." Which, of course, is the task of every cartoon -- fresh, funny, and realistic. Oh, wait. Hang on. Well, that's okay. They're aiming for "realistic" and not caricature or parody, so they're also eliminating Bart, Homer, Ned, Marge, and, well, everyone else because the cartoon is a parody and that just won't do. Oh, wait ... what? Now they're telling me that it's absolutely okay to satirize white males, white people in general, Christians, and just about anyone else. Just not people of color. That won't do. My mistake. I'm not woke yet.

Good News at Home
This is really good news. "Democrats said they would cease calling for violent attacks on conservatives 'at least until this whole mail bomb thing is out of the news cycle.'" We'll see if Hillary gets the memo.

Must be true; I saw it on the Internet.


  1. Liberals will say, "____________ deserve a homeland where they can live as they traditionally have, and exclude anybody they want to."

    I have seen the blank filled in with different colors and ethnicities. But just never "Whites deserve Europe as a homeland for themselves."

    If I understand correctly, communities in Europe have started allowing Muslims to run the courts under Middle Eastern statutes. The reverse would never be tolerated, would it?

  2. People are dumb if they want to call that an Afro. That was more frightening than offensive.

    There you go trying to use reason again. It's all about how you feel, not what is real.

    When I heard this story, I too thought it odd that they were trying to make it all the way to the US. There are plenty closer and more welcoming countries on the way.

    What's also sad is that one of the parents is blaming the media of making her daughter this way and that they should have just let her be a good little girl like she is.

    Whatever new "realistic" character they add to that show will be quite jarring compared to all the impossible characters already there.

    I wonder if any of them regret calling for violence, or simply see this as an excuse for retaliation. "Hey, we only encouraged it, the Right actually attempted it. Our turn. We'll show you how it's really done. Stupid rightwingers can't do anything correctly."

  3. I saw this "graffiti" on the sidewalk near my work. It said, "Let's be better humans." Nice sentiment. Someone else added, "Them first!" I don't think they understood what they said. "Yes," they admitted, "those guys are bad, but so are we! We'll stop being bad after they do." Kind of like the complaints from the Left about the "incivility" of some on the Right. "We'll start being nice after you do."

    (Note, David. That last story about the Dems calling for a moratorium on violence is actually fake news from the Babylon Bee. Humor. Pointed, but humor.)

  4. Anonymous, I've been noting that liberals say, "They deserve a homeland where they can live like they want and exclude who they want" except, apparently, for Israel.

  5. Apparently this convoy will be passing multiple places where they could legally apply for asylum to the US. They’re not stopping to do so, I wonder why.

    The whole “Let’s give them a homeland where they can live the way they want.”, is an interesting concept. It’s clearly one the left will never allow. Look at the Eurocentric neocolonialism we’re seeing in Africa (read Target Africa for examples), and ask how realistic it is. Also look at the example of the PCUSA and how the narrative changed. It’s a nice thought, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. The exception being Muslim countries, they’re pretty much exempt from any criticism from the left, no matter who they mistreat.

  6. But I've heard actual news stories of actual Democrats encouraging actual violence against the Republicans. I know the story linked as parody, but not too far from truth either.

  7. Filed Under "I almost don't care at all"

    I have to come clean on this cultural appropriation thing: I've been wearing moccasins for years.

    Not Funny at All

    Reading the link, I saw that a spokesperson for the twisted said this costume reduces a marginalized group to a joke. wasn't the costume that did that.

    Asylum Seekers at War

    I just keep thinking water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas.

    The fact that these people passed up all those countries between Honduras and here...especially Mexico, given it's offer...tells me it's not about fleeing anything, but about making a statement for which they have no justifiable reason.

    I also saw a piece (I didn't verify any of it) showing two pictures of women pushing strollers. The first was priced at around $400, and the second about $1000. Not necessarily relevant, even if they were found to be legitimately fleeing something harmful. I just found it interesting. Yet, I also heard that some of them who were interviewed stated they were coming here for economic reasons...not fleeing oppression.

    In any case, there is no obligation on our part to allow these people to set one toe over the borderline without severe consequences, particularly in light of their crashing gates in Mexico. That's total disrespect for the rule of law and must not be tolerated.

    What Are They Feeding Those Kids in Florida?

    The kids should be taken from the parents who should be punished in some way.

    We Say Nay to Parody ... or Not

    Comedy has taken such a hit in the last twenty years over this political correctness nonsense. Can you imagine Don Rickles trying to begin his career now?

  8. Yes, Craig, consistency is not one of the virtues that side seems to possess.

    David, the humor of the story is not in the fact that Dems haven't been violent. Hillary said they should not be civil and you've noted the news items where they have been violent. The humor is that they would actually urge a moratorium on their violence. Not happening.

    I'm shocked, Marshal, shocked I tell you! Moccasin-wearing cultural appropriationist! There was a time -- ages ago now, it seems -- when imitation was a sincere compliment. For the vocal crowd these days the only compliment white people can give to people of color is to die, I suppose. You'd know that if you were woke.


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