Saturday, September 22, 2018

News Weakly - 9/22/18

To Get to the UK, Turn Left
I thought California was crazy. Then I read this story from The Economist about how so many teenage girls are suffering from "sudden-onset gender dysphoria." The story reported, "In 2009, 41% of the adolescents referred to Britain's Gender Identity Development Service were female; in 2017, 69% were." Wait ... "Gender Identity Development Service"? Yes. Established in 1989, the UK has had a service in place to assist kids in changing their genders. Turns out California is just a crazy-wannabe. Oh, and the story? The suggestion is that "social and peer contagion" is driving more kids to "gender dysphoria." But we we knew that already, didn't we?

Dirty Rotten Money
McDonalds has "strong policies, procedures and training in place specifically designed to prevent sexual harassment." On top of that, they've disclosed a new initiative to evolve these policies to fight sexual harassment in their industry. Still, it is reported that "At least ten McDonald's employees have filed charges against the company." As a result, "McDonald's employees, emboldened by the #MeToo movement, are staging a one-day strike Tuesday at restaurants in 10 cities across the U.S."

Now, I have to say, I'm not fully understanding this. McDonalds employs something like 1.9 million employees, 10 of which have complained about sexual harassment. Now, let's not minimize sexual harassment, but I'm trying to figure out how that number is the kind of thing that would produce "the first multistate walkout protesting sexual harassment." Oh, wait ... that statement is "according to Fight for $15." Could it be that these workers would like to get hold of some of McDonald's money? Could it be that these employees are striking for a raise in the name of "sexual harassment"? Could it be "McDonalds has money that we want, so we would like to force them to give it to us"? If so, striking to stop sexual harassment (where it barely exists) when what is really in view is more money is what is known in the industry as "a lie."

Other People's Money
ESPN has reported that "Some members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame say they will not attend the yearly induction ceremony until they receive health insurance and an annual salary that includes a share of the league's revenue." The letter to the NFL was signed by 22 Hall of Fame members including folks like Joe Namath and Sarah White, the widow of Reggie White. Because if you've gotten rich playing a game to entertain folks, it is only reasonable that you continue to get rich when you're not anymore. They owe it to you (2 Thess 3:10). Just another "They've got money, so we want it" situation.

More Not News
Hold onto your hats. This is a doozy! Apparently Hillary Clinton doesn't like President Trump! No, really! She thinks he's "uncontrollable" (unlike she is, right?) and dangerous (like when she promised to remove religion from America?). Shocker, isn't it? I mean, seriously, why would this be classified as "news"?

The Perfect Candidate
Something different this time. I'm going to make a commentary and you see if you can tell which news item I'm talking about.

A psalmist asked, "If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?" (Psa 130:3). Sounds harsh of God, I suppose, but ask anyone currently in the crosshairs of public opinion -- Trump, Kavanaugh, men, Christians, white people, etc. -- and I would suggest it would be the same for them. "If you, O public, should mark iniquities, who could stand?" As demonstrated by the "deaths" at the hands of the #MeToo movement and the Left's work to execute conservatives like Judge Moore and Brett Kavanaugh, the only "acceptable standard" is perfection ... absolute perfection. I wouldn't pass muster. Neither would you. (Hint: Neither do they. But, hey, they'll gladly burn to the ground anyone they don't like that doesn't either.)

Unfortunately for America, we've decided that "innocent until proven guilty" is dead and the public gets to decide who lives and who dies.


  1. I've heard stories of religious people fearing what certain scientific discoveries would mean for their religion and have dismissed it simply based on the that threat, without actually examining the data. And the secular world made fun of them for their backwards thinking. Now their doing it themselves.

    I've found it interesting how the accusations are being levied, but when the members of the Republican party stand by their people, they are ridiculed. And yet, I seem to recalla certain Democratic president with some sexual misconduct under his belt and his party stood by him, saying to ignore his character and look at his presidential actions. Ah, the wonderful world of double standards.

  2. My sympathy for those who made a ton of money playing some kid's game and then kicked themselves into poverty is... precisely zero.

  3. Yes, David, the double standards are often very thick.

    I'm of the same mind, anonymous. And I'm not even one of those rich people who doesn't want to give up their money to "poor football players."

  4. To Get to the UK, Turn Left

    It is said that it takes all kinds to make up this world, but I can't stop wondering why it has to.

    Dirty Rotten Money

    Well, ya see, if someone's already gotten traction out of a lame excuse to be getting more dough, why bother starting a separate campaign? Just tag along with one that's already running! Brilliant!

    Other People's Money

    This is a problem that provided it's own solution. Do nothing. They ain't coming anyway.

    More Not News

    Like a herpes, she keeps coming back!

    The Perfect Candidate

    It's incredible how unAmerican so many in America have become.

  5. "It's incredible how unAmerican so many in America have become."

    And how offended they get when you point it out ...


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