Saturday, September 01, 2018

News Weakly - 9/1/18

Illusions of Gender
A recent study explored the notion of transgender in the dating world. The question was, "Would you consider dating a transgender person?" You know. "I was born a guy, but I am truly a girl, so now I'm a girl." Would a heterosexual guy -- a guy attracted to females -- be interested in dating this "girl"? Turns out that a whopping 87.5% said they would not. Now that seems odd, since "What I feel inside" is the definition of truth, so female body that "feels like a guy" should be attractive to girls who are attracted to guys and vice versa. And they're not. How strange, given that a large portion of people are still claiming "They really are the gender they feel like they are" followed, apparently, with "but I wouldn't date them."

As I've long suspected ...
... Common courtesy may not be dead, but it's surely gravely ill. I was raised to call my elders "sir" and "ma'am" and didn't learn how not to do that until I was an adult. It was "common courtesy". You know, the unspoken but common rules of civility by which we all llived. Be kind. Be courteous. Open the door for ladies. Oh, no, not that. Not these days. So now this fifth grader raised to be respectful is punished for saying, "Yes, ma'am" to his teacher.

To be clear, this child was not disciplined for calling her "ma'am". He was disciplined for doing so after he had been told not to. Let's be fair. Now, having said that, when a teacher demands that her students no longer demonstrate that level of respect to the point of making it a rule, that is a death nell for common courtesy. The last time I was chewed out by an irate woman for opening the door for her (as I do for most people in my vicinity when I'm going through a door), I responded, "I'm sorry; no respect intended." And, no, that didn't help.

No News is Trump News
In July the Gallup organization reported that Trump had a 50% approval rating or higher in 17 states in the first half of 2017. I would say, "Astounding!" Rasmussen agreed. But the headline is Trump Misstates Approval Rating in Latest Poll.

Note: Trump did misstate his approval rating as 90% within the party and 52% overall. Note: The fact that he misstated it is bigger news than the reports of his actual approval rating. Note: This suggests strong media anti-Trump bias. Final note: Me? I'm shocked that he would have anywhere near that kind of approval rating at all, misstated or real. The early August reports were around 50%. The "approved" poll was 44%. All of that seems too high to me. But the headline simply wishes to discredit the man. As if that is the real news.

Missouri has become the first state to regulate the word, "meat." That's right. Lots of words to be concerned about, but their primary concern is "meat." "The state's new law forbids 'misrepresenting a product as meat that is not derived from harvested production livestock or poultry.'" Vegetarian Food Company Tofurkey is suing.

I don't think they realize that "meat" can reference the internal parts of a nut, but, hey, I don't really think they're getting to the real meat of the matter.

Hard to Believe
You will not believe this report. The CDC is reporting that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are at an all-time high. How can that possibly be, given our "if it feels good, do it," "you have nothing to say about me and my sex life," "only God will judge me," "whatever you want to do with whomever you want to do it is worth celebrating" society? Hmm. Just can't figure that out.

Just ... Pitiful, Really
For the Trump supporters out there, especially among the conservative Christians, this is just pitiful. President Trump is warning Evangelicals that if they don't vote for his people there will be violence. If the GOP loses in the upcoming elections, "They will overturn everything that we've done and they'll do it quickly and violently." You guys aren't falling for that, right? Right? Look, the level of cooperation between the GOP in Congress and the GOP in the White House is poor at best. The level of competence and the ability of Congress, GOP or Democrat, to do anything is not particularly high, either. If Congress is able to "overturn everything that we've done" quickly (and violently?), it would be because "we" haven't done it very firmly or well (like executive orders and the like). It seems like a crude and unnecessary scare tactic on the president's part. I wonder. Is he afraid the evangelical Christians might be waking up?


  1. The CDC numbers demonstrate how effective Sex Education and contraceptives are in stopping diseases.

  2. Given the increased violence from those on the left, I’d suggest that there will be violence against conservatives no matter what happens in the election.

  3. I'd agree with you on both counts, Craig. "They're going to do it anyway, so let's make it safe," they said. So they made it "safe" ... with little effect. And Trump is highly mistaken if he thinks we can vote out the "wrath" of those who oppose Christ. (He was, after all, warning evangelicals about this, not just the GOP.)

  4. I agree, the ire of those (including some who call themselves Christian) against those who have decided its open season on those who are “too Christian” isn’t going to change depending on who wins elections. If the left wins, it’ll just be more “officially sanctioned”, if the right wins then the vitriol will just continue to grow. All as foretold.

    Of course there will be those who continue to offer excuses for those in the left who turn more to violence and to attempts to stifle speech by those they disagree with. They’ll spout platitudes about how liberals are against violence and for free speech, while their fellows engage in the opposite.

  5. Like those who rail against those they perceive in the right for not being tough enough on a president who lies (as if there is one who does not) while condoning the anti-fa or extreme left's attacks on religion in general and Christians in particular.

  6. Bingo. It’s those who say ANTIFA is just a fringe organization that should be ignored, but that the Klan is mainstream, that concern me. Clearly ANTIFA is much more numerous and violent than the Klan, and none of those on the left are advocating that violence against ANTIFA is ok, like they are with the Klan or neo NAZIs.

  7. Luckily for me, the worst response I've had about calling someone ma'am was to be told not to. I don't understand the anger over courtesy or respect. It's funny though, my wife is the other way, she gets upset when the waiter calls her senorita because she is a married woman and should be addressed as senora.

    "Violence", he kept using that word. I don't think it means what he thinks it means. In Congress, the violence would only be metaphorical. You want to see violence in Congress, I saw a clip of a Ugandan Parlament (or whatever their law making official group is) actually coming to blows and throwing furniture at each other. That's violent law making. One thing I've noticed about Trump in his talking, he has difficulty breaking up his subjects. The quote seems to indicate that the elected officials would be violent in their overturning, but later refers to Antifa. Was the violence in reference to the officials or to the people? He frequently slams his subjects together, like he's not really thinking ahead about what he's going to say, just talks (and tweets) closer to stream of consciousness. I mean, he repeated the word back to back like he forgot here just said it. Listening to him speak sounds like he's always going of script and I imagine his speech writers wondering why they even bother.

  8. Especially when those defending ANTIFA are on national media outlets.

  9. David, on "violence," I think it illustrates the ongoing problem of speaking English ... or anything. It seems to me that God's work at Babel is ongoing. If language is the symbols we use to convey ideas and those symbols keep changing constantly, communication will be impossible ... just like Satan would like.


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