Saturday, August 04, 2018

News Weakly - 8/4/18

Simplified Tax Returns
This ought to simplify our tax forms. We've been told that healthcare, especially universal healthcare, is a human right. Thus, Bernie Sanders favors "Medicare for all." The report says this will cost $32.6 trillion over 10 years. "That's trillion with a 'T'."

So, the new tax form -- Line 1: "How much did you make this last year?" Line 2: "Send it in." See? Easy.

(In case anyone is wondering, the number is not a surprise. We currently spending about $3.3 trillion (with a "t") on our health care. The difference is we'd all be paying in to the entire system where, in a free market system, if you take care of your health you might pay less than someone who does not. I'm just saying, don't chalk this up to "biased calculations" like some have. $3.3 trillion over 10 years is pretty close to the price tag the study figured.)

How Homosexuals Reproduce
They don't do it naturally, quite obviously, so how do homosexuals "propagate the species"? They do it by recruiting children, as in this "Drag Storytime" at the city's central library. "No! We don't have any hidden agenda! We're not recruiting kids! Why would you even think such a thing?" Because they are.

If you teach that unnatural is normal, expect the unnatural to be viewed as normal. The truth is that kids will be indoctrinated. The question is "Who is indoctrinating your kids?" Do you even know?

Enforcing Sexism
"Man" can mean "an adult male" or even "of the male persuasion." It has often been used to refer to the human race in general, where "man" would mean "all people." As it turns out, this version is the typical use in the source language -- Old English. Thus, a "salesman" would refer to any human whose job is to sell. "Congressman" would refer to any human being in government that can lie. Okay, that was cynical, but you get the idea.

Sexism is prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination on the basis of sex. When Barack Obama was elected president, many heralded the event as diminished racism. I said, "Racism is diminished when you don't notice the skin color of the person in office." In the same way, sexism is not diminished by constantly calling attention to it. It is diminished by no longer noticing. That's why this story of a seven-year-old girl who complained about the word "linemen" on a road sign is so tragic. She said the sign was "wrong and unfair." Her mother was "wrong and unfair" when she failed to point out that "men" in the term "linemen" means "any human that works the line" and to urge her daughter to drop the conflict between men and women rather than inflame it. But, hey, the mother wasn't the only one. She was "so proud of my 7 yo (sic)," she said in her Facebook post, and the chief executive of the New Zealand Transport Agency commended her and the battle goes on to weed out all perceived "sexism" by constantly and continually calling attention to it.

This is Why We Have Bibles
I know, I know, the "papal infallibility" thing only applies to certain statements and this isn't one of them. However, when the leader of the Roman Catholic Church makes a declaration in direct contradiction to the Scriptures he claims to stand on, it isn't "infallibility." It isn't even rationality. Pope Francis has issued a new policy that calls the death penalty "inadmissible" because it attacks the inherent dignity of all humans.
The church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person.
Contrast that with God's opinion. "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in His own image" (Gen 9:6). God says the the death penalty is necessary in cases of homicide because of the "inviolability and dignity of the person," using the Roman Catholic Church's words. Capital punishment is based on the value God has placed on human beings as His image bearers. The pope would like to correct God on that. I'm sure God is delighted, having been wrong all those millennia. Keep your eye out for further corrections from the pope regarding God's mistaken, outdated ideas.

Offensive Stereotypes
You may not be familiar with The Simpsons, a cartoon for children young and old about a family (oddly enough, named the Simpsons). It is a cartoon, a caricature of life in the mid-sized fictional town of Springfield. Since its debut in December, 1989, it has racked up a wide range of fans with a long list of characters that are all ... not right. There is Homer who is the stupidest dad around and Ned Flanders who is the stereotypical right-wing whacko Christian and Bart, Homer's son, a perpetually 10-year-old troublemaker. So it should come as no surprise that one of its characters is deemed an offensive stereotype. Apu is an Indian immigrant who owns the Kwik-E-Mart (of course) and is voiced by a white actor, Hank Azaria. It is, they complain, a racist stereotype and ought to be eliminated.

I am fascinated that this one is an "offensive stereotype" while the stereotyping of Homer as a stupid white male or Bart as a troublemaking white boy or Ned Flanders as an extremely gullible Christian are not offensive stereotypes. In fact, I don't think there's a single character on the show that is not a stereotype at which they are poking fun. But Apu, you see, is a problem. Poking fun at the rest is all in good fun. Especially males, whites, and Christians. That isn't offensive. That's real, right?


  1. There is a long list of white characters on TV who are inept, mean, dysfunctional... etc.
    I could take offense at TV producers for that, I suppose. But I'm just not thin-skinned enough to feel that way.

    Somebody put up a photo on social media of a Native American man wearing a jersey of a fictitious "White Skins" sports team. I chuckled at it, but would not in fact take any offense if some team owner actually went that way. The "Fighting Irish" of Notre Dame? Not a problem, says I.

  2. When live in a time when feeling offended is cool, sensitive, in vogue.

  3. Simplified Tax Returns

    I've always been under the impression that bribery in politics was a bad thing. We hear, ad nauseum, about lobbyists and how they corrupt the political process. Yet, the socialists, like Bernie, make their bones by bribing the voter with promises of free stuff (the Dems do this as well...but then, they're socialists for the most part anyway). So it's bad if one goes to the politician for considerations, but not if the politician offers them.

    How Homosexuals Reproduce

    Just one more thing the sexual deviants said wasn't true...until it is.

    Enforcing Sexism

    I still prefer terms like "stewardess", "actress" or "waitress" just to raise hackles (apparently "hackles" is a bird reference, just because you like birds).

    This is Why We Have Bibles

    That very verse came to mind the moment I saw news of the Pope's statement.

    Offensive Stereotypes

    Only white Christian conservative male can be disparaged these days. That's perfectly fine.

    There was a story of some black guy that began wearing a t-shirt he created with a "Caucasians" logo patterned after the Redskins team, and reports that white people were offended. He didn't provide any tweets or other social media evidence of this, but about a dozen of his own saying white people were offended. I wasn't offended, but certainly found the "experiment" stupid for the stupid point he was trying to make. I'd love a team who adopted as its mascot a fighting Polack or Kraut.

  4. Hackles -- long narrow feather on the back of rooster or other bird; also those hairs that stick up on the back of a cat or some dog breeds. Another word I just learned the other day: Bazooka -- an armor-piercing weapon; originally a brass musical instrument with telescoping tubing like a trombone.

    I would be sure that some would take offense at a non-Caucasian acting racist toward Caucasians these days, but primarily in response to the outrage created by the slightest perceived slight from the white folk. Before the current hypersensitivity, no one would have cared.


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