Saturday, August 25, 2018

News Weakly - 8/25/18

What Do You See?
I am trying to figure this out. A Houston middle school has had a saying on the wall above the lockers for five years: "The more you act like a lady, the more he'll act like a gentleman." A woman's got the "sexist, mysogonistic (sic), and discriminatory" quote taken down within 10 hours of her tweeting the photo.

So, help me out. She said it was "perpetuating horrible gender stereotypes." I guess her message is that no one (male or female) has any impact on how people treat them and shouldn't concern themselves with that? I hear her complaining that girls should not act like a lady? I am assuming she did not read the implied, "And you guys -- the more you act like gentlemen, the more she'll act like a lady"? I'm missing it ... entirely. Further, I'm missing why it is that one person has such power that they can force a school to remove a (helpful) quote in record time. By all means, let's not have any of those "horrible gender stereotypes" that are "sexist, misogynistic, and discriminatory" by encouraging people to be responsible for their own behavior and consider the effects of their own behavior on others. We'll have none of that! (And, lady, if you're going to complain that quickly, loudly, and destructively, at least learn how to spell the thing you're complaining about.) I am reminded (once again) that "To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled" (Titus 1:15).

Internal Racism
Disney was beaten up on Twitter over the Wreck-It Ralph 2 trailer because Princess Tiana (of The Princess and the Frog) wasn't black enough. "Whitewash" is what they're calling it. Now, from what I can see the cartoon character is still that of a black girl, but they're angry about the fact that she looks more like Zendaya than the previous cartoon version. Apparently there is a template -- shape of the nose, depth of black skin, curl of the hair, that sort of thing -- for acceptable black cartoon characters and this one doesn't make it. Not African-American enough, I guess. Are the two versions different? Sure. They're cartoon characters, drawn by different cartoonists in different media at different times. Seriously, that's a big problem? It's sad when a fictional black character's lack of "black enough" causes outrage.

Doubled Standards
I've often complained about double standards in our society. This story seems like it would quadruple the standard, just in terms of magnitude. "Actress Asia Argento, one of the first prominent women to accuse disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, agreed to pay $380,000 to an actor who accused her of sexually assaulting him when he was 17 years old." Oh, look ... sexual assault and statutory rape. But don't worry. Sexual assault on males isn't an issue these days. This will go away.

Note: 1) The authorities are looking into the alleged statutory rape, and 2) Asia denies it ... you know, like nearly every other person accused. I wish to point out that my standard has always been "Innocent until proven guilty" and, as such, make no pronouncement of Asia's guilt. That doesn't negate the double standards. (For instance, Asia says her boyfriend paid the guy as hush money and Michael Cohen says he paid money to accusers for Trump. The public now concludes that Trump is clearly guilty but Asia is clearly not.)

Trump's Twitter Protests - Is that news?
The headline was about Trump comparing the Mueller investigation to McCarthyism. That the president is tweeting up a storm is not news. That he is tweeting up a foolish-looking storm is not news. That he is upset about the Mueller investigation is not news. Me? I can't help but think, "Methinks he doth protest too much."

Another PETA Victory
Thank goodness for PETA. They've scored a victory for wild animals everywhere. Well, maybe not everywhere, but certainly in a lot of places. Well, maybe not actual wild animals. If we're being precise, it would be animal crackers. For 116 years Nabisco has produced animal crackers in a box that looked like an old style circus wagon. Finally PETA has forced them to remove the cage-look of the box. Free at last, free at last. One quick question. Are we supposed to take this seriously?

Good News
Finally some good news from the Internet for the Internet. "Studies show it's now just a few bans away from finally only having good opinions on it. Much of social media had become dominated by racism, conspiracy theories, and people who are just plain wrong about things, but by simply kicking off people who pretty much everyone agrees is bad, studies show soon only good discussion will dominate the internet."

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. YouTube recommended a video to me. The topic was the assertion that white feminism is a nonentity. Only people of color can be true feminists. At best, a white woman can only urge whites to stop reproducing and go extinct for the good of humanity.

  2. Yes, acting like a gentleman is a “horrible gender stereotype”. Respecting women, honoring women, looking out for women’s best interests are all bad things.

    Clearly this call to gentlemanly behavior is secret man code for “rape and sexually harass every woman you see” or it’s just license for the (more imaginary than real) “rape culture” to run wild.

    By all means let’s assign responsibility and blame to those who haven’t done anything to earn it.

  3. Yes, Anonymous, in the current cultural climate only men can be sexist and only whites can be racist. They keep using those words, but I don't think those words mean what they think they do.

    Assigned blame that isn't deserved is something you've experienced recently, isn't it, Craig?

  4. Maybe.

    But clearly I must accept all of the responsibility for all of the acts deemed inappropriate by all men in all of history.

  5. You're white, Craig. You're responsible. Loser.

  6. Yes, I am a loser. I should be punished. I think I’ll begin by flogging myself.

  7. Good for you. I think they will deeply appreciate it, since they've never been particularly interested in the truth.

  8. It’s interesting, in a culture that denies the existence of absolute Truth, that so many people are angry about Trump lying.

  9. It's also strange in that one of the oldest political jokes I know is the riddle, "How do you know when a politician is lying? When his lips are moving." I don't favor lying, but if we are to castigate all liars, I don't know of any politicians (or people) who are exempt.

  10. Clearly some degree of lying is perfectly acceptable for the Trump hating crowd, but once you cross that threshold (undefined of course), then it becomes evil.

    But, good point with the old “joke”.

    Adultery and divorce are fodder for the tabloids, unless it’s Trump, then they are gravely wrong.

    Truth doesn’t exist, except when judging Trump.

    Talking about something that could be described as sexual assault is heinous, actual sexual (by certain people) is ignored.

    I think I wrote a post a while back making the argument that Trump is actually exactly what you’d expect based on the changes to society since the 60’s. Changes driven, by and large, by progressives.

  11. Dan, it's (constant) comments like that that 1) make it impossible for me to let you comment here and 2) make me question your "love for the brethren". And, perhaps, your rational thinking capabilities.

  12. I'm really tired of corporations capitulating to the leftists' agendas. Put the animals back in the circus.

  13. I miss the circus. What a great event when the circus came to town! PETA is a heinous organization. I will forever regard their acronym as meaning "People Eating Tasty Animals".


    You're absolutely right, and I've said it myself. Trump being elected is a direct result of the direction of the culture over the last 75 years or so. It's what comes from voting poorly over the years, and now so many found him the best choice because he's not like the others. Fortunately his presidency has turned out far better than least so far. (I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.)

  14. I've gotten to where I just chuckle at the stuff Leftists say online. If you point out problems with their anti-Caucasian rhetoric, they immediate accuse you of "racism," or use the latest buzzword, "whitesplaining." There's no close-minded bigot like a Leftist bigot.

  15. Not only is Trump probably an accurate reflection of liberal influence on popular culture, which might explain his appeal. But the left spent so much time and effort demonizing every single GOP candidate (including Carson), that I think that they sparked a backlash toward Trump because he was the only one who fought back.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?