Saturday, August 18, 2018

News Weakly - 8/18/18

You're Not Welcome Here
As has been done for decades, Greg Laurie's Harvest Crusade was advertised for this week in a variety of malls and billboards in southern California. This year, however, it was deemed unacceptable. They first said it was because of the nondescript book he was holding. You and I would know it was a Bible -- there were no overt references to Christ or Christianity -- but the picture isn't clear. And when they changed it to just a picture of Greg Laurie, it was still not sufficient. There was "at least one 'serious threat'" along with "multiple complaints," so the company Harvest had hired took them all down. John Collins, the executive director of Harvest, said, "It's sad that our culture is at this degree of intolerance."

The story speaks for itself.

Insane Politics
The opening paragraph says it all. "A former utility executive from Vermont has become the first transgender candidate to win a major political party’s nomination for governor." Because a person who ignores science and can't figure out "male" or "female" is the one you certainly want to run your state. A related story was more omnious than it intended to be, I'm sure. "Transgender rights advocates touted Christine Hallquist’s victory in Vermont’s Democratic gubernatorial race as a 'defining moment' for the United States." Indeed, proving the biblical, "As they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind ..." (Rom 1:28).

Modern society says, "We don't subscribe to a binary gender perspective nor limit genders to biology." Scripture says, "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Gen 1:27). It's amazing how much modern society has improved on God's original design, diminishing His "in God's image" aspect and expanding His "binary gender" idea.

Can Someone Tell Me ...
... how this works? We have this mad rush to #MeToo and "no more sexual harassment" ... and France offers outdoor, open air urinals along the Seine. I mean, seriously. What could go wrong? Let me count the ways.

Never Thought I'd See the Day
Turns out a black person might be called on the carpet for making a racial slur after all. I thought it was solely the purview of caucasians, but a black Detroit legislator has apologized for making a racial slur against an Asian opponent. Bad for her, but at least someone noticed that "this person" (regardless of skin color) demeaning "that person" (who is of a different skin color) simply on the basis of being a different skin color is racism regardless of who "this person" is.

Watch out, people. You might be seeing a hole in the "double standard" standard. Or not.

Insecurity Clearance
As we all know, former CIA director John Brennan's security clearance was revoked this week. Now retired Admiral William McRaven has "requested" that his be revoked as well in a show of solidarity with Brennan. Touching, I'm sure. I'm just wondering ... why should either of these people have security clearances? They needed them for their jobs, but they're not doing those jobs anymore. Security clearances are not for life. What is at issue here? I had a top secret security clearance when I was in the Air Force and I don't have one anymore. Why aren't they complaining on my behalf? Okay, President Trump revoked Brennan's clearance more than a year after he was out of his CIA position and he said it was because the guy was unreliable. Shouldn't we be talking about that rather than security clearances? Admiral McRaven retired in 2014 and has been Chancellor for the University of Texas System since 2015. Why does he still have a clearance at all? Or should I be offended that they removed mine?

Look, we knew a long time ago that Trump was petty and wouldn't tolerate those who disagreed with him. As far as he goes, we're only getting what we voted for. Seems like the American voter is to blame on this count. But finding presidents (or CEOs or people in general) that don't prefer people who agree with them to people who do not is nearly impossible.

The Upside of Killing Children
This week Chelsea Clinton happily informed a "Rise Up for Roe" event -- a gathering in opposition to Brett Kavanaugh and in favor of abortion -- that Roe v Wade added $3.5 trillion to our economy. See? And you thought there was no benefit to murdering children. Now we have it in cold hard cash figures. So, what is the value of a human life? Chelsea appears to something around $58,000, calculating from the $3.5 trillion and the 60 million Roe v Wade murders since 1973. Good to know, since "made in the image of the Creator" carries no value anymore.

Besides, giving women the right to murder their babies is a Christian virtue, don't you know? I mean, if the woman doesn't want the baby and Jesus came to give us the abundant life, aren't you robbing her of what Jesus came to give her? So, economically and as Christians it's beneficial to kill children. Right?


  1. I'm not sure how an open air urinal is supposed to combat public urination. I'm also not sure it will. It assumes that men are making a rational decision to urinate in public, and aren't just being deviants or drunk. The article didn't cite any numbers for how it has effected other locations that have them, but I doubt they're very effective. And, to be upset about them being only for men? Correct me if I'm wrong, but urinating is a bit more of a production for women than men. And, providing open air toilets is only going to invite public defecation.

    "An abundant life". I don't think that means what she thinks it means. I imagine that most women that carried an unwanted pregnancy to term have ended up with a far more abundant life than those that murdered their little bundle of annoyance. The joy a child brings to a parent's life would make it abundant. Or does abundant only mean easy and happy? She probably also subscribes to the idea that Christians should be blessed with riches and good health only. No room for discipline and growth in her Christianity.

  2. The french pissoir (that's what they're called) goes back to 1830 when they were installed to umm... keep the sides of their buildings clean. (Ahhh those frenchmen). Check out the movie Flyboys, there's a great scene where an uppercrust American sees his first open air urinal in 1915. The uproar appears to be that they're being installed (for the same reason) in classy touristy areas. Maybe San Francisco should consider a version for their own fecal issues.

    I lost my TS clearance in 1996, no heartburn here. As for Brennan's clearance - maybe we should be asking how an avowed communist got a clearance in the first place, let alone be allowed in the CIA. You're right, Mr. Trump is petty, but an unsecured email server containing sensitive documents in a Colorado linen closet and a 400% increase in minority owned businesses in one year tells me that when presented with two TERRIBLE choices, we got the lesser of two evils. Either way, we are bound by Romans 13

  3. Oh, sure, David, if you're going to go with God's ideas. But if by "abundant life" you mean "whatever makes me happy", then killing babies works, right? Of course, that suggests that Jesus came to give me "whatever makes me happy." I guess that works for some so-called Christians.

    Yes, Doug, in one of the versions of that outdoor latrine story, one of the pictures showed a guy "relieving himself" in one of these while a boat full of tourists drifted by. Not good. And, indeed, Romans 13 remains in effect. It's a good thing I trust in the God in charge rather than the man.

  4. I find the whole issue of the T.S. clearance laughable. You don't have a right to that clearance, and it can be revoked any time you are no longer needed to have that clearance. I was given the T.S. when I was assigned as a clerk for the Operations and Training office (S-3) in Headquarters Company of my battalion in early 1973. I retained the clearance as I moved into the training NCO position for the Battalion, and when I was assigned as Operations and Training NCO for a line company in my battalion. It was when I was being debriefed on the day I was discharged, two years after I first received the T.S. Clearance, that my clearance was pulled because I was no longer in the position which required it.

    Anyone crying because they lost their clearance is just trying to get attention.

  5. I agree, Glenn. I think it's another "Trump did it so we're going to complain." "Wait ... you're telling me that the president did what normally is done in the cases of clearances??!! The beast!!!"

  6. Do a Net search for the name Marie Holmes if you want to see a drama playing out in real life. She won a lottery jackpot while entangled in a narcotics gang. This is not going to end well for anybody.

  7. I have no idea what that has to do with anything at all in this edition of News Weakly, but ... ok.


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