Saturday, June 16, 2018

News Weakly - 6/16/18

No Bias Here
The media is reporting about Israel killing innocent protesters in Gaza. "At least three demonstrators were killed, including a teenage boy, with over 600 wounded," the report says with a picture of what looks like some praying protesters with a tear gas canister exploding overhead. All while peaceful protesters "burned tires, threw stones and flew flaming kites." "Israel says Gaza's Hamas leaders are using the protests as cover to carry out attacks." And Muslims elsewhere chanted "Death to Israel" and burned Israeli flags and effigies of President Trump. Because it's a peaceful protest and there is no reason at all for Israel to think they're threatened in any way. (I dare you to look at that photo on that story and come to some other conclusion about the evil Israelis shooting innocent people.)

Weaponizing Apologies
After Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted about a good deal he got at a Los Angeles Chick-fil-A, the Twitter world went wild, forcing Dorsey to apologize. Why? He ate at Chick-fil-A during Gay Pride Month. "'You must love the taste of bigotry!' one person wrote in response."

I'd like to point out that "Hate a company because the CEO holds biblical beliefs!" is just as bigoted as what they are claiming. And forcing apologies is simply weaponizing apologies. "Apologize or else."

I thought Stephen McAlpine had some witty-but-insightful comments on the story. And, of course, Democrats have now set out to make it a hate crime to eat at Chick-fil-A. Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

A Keen Video
I don't normally do this, but I'm recommending a brief video here:

Produced by Choice42, it's a nifty video talking about the Magical Birth Canal that confers human rights to non-person humans. Short but pointed.

Argentina's lower house of Congress has taken a step to legalize the murder of millions more babies. They've approved a bill that would allow abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Most of South America forbids abortion except in cases of rape or if the mother's life is endangered, but Argentina hopes to strip off the concept of intrinsic human value and legalize elective murder for the most defenseless human beings. I mean, hey, what could go wrong, right?

Re ... What?
Have you heard about the "Revoice Conference"? At a PCA church in St. Louis in July, they're having a conference with the stated purpose of "Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality." Lots of people like Jim Shaw (a pastor of a PCA church), Kevin DeYoung, Denny Burk, and Richard Phillips (another pastor of a PCA church) have written on the issues.

As for me, I'm not grasping "Supporting, encouraging, and empowering" those who are involved in things that the Bible condemns and hoping that "they can flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality." How does one "flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality" when the point is to overturn those historic Christian doctrines? If that is not the point, perhaps someone might want to explain how and why. (Some have suggested that the point is to encourage "LGBT Christians" to observe historic Christian doctrines of marriage and sexuality and, thus, flourish ... by no longer being "LGBT Christians.")


  1. My favorite part of that video is the baby drooling a waterfall on whoever was holding it up through the birth canal.

  2. Yeah, I felt bad for the hands person.

  3. Great vid. Had to post it on FB.

  4. Fun video, clear logic, good point. Get the word out.


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