Wednesday, June 27, 2018

How Much is Too Much?

I know someone whose wife left him, took the kids, and turned them against him. A really good guy. A really bad wife. Awhile later, he was living with a woman. "I know it's sin," he said, "but I'm not made to be alone." The hardships (I do not demean them) he endured were too much for him and he decided to go a different way than where he knew God would have him go. It was too much.

How much is too much? How much can the Lord take away before we stop saying, "Blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21)?

I know people who have suffered much. No sugar coating it. They have. Cancer and illness, lost loved ones, constant thorns and troubles. Some say, "It's too much" and others say, "Blessed be the name of the Lord." How much is too much?

Perhaps the worst loss we see is when a family member or dear friend dies without Christ. Really? Hell? Eternal torment?? It is one of the most difficult doctrines from the lips of our Lord and Savior. "Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3,5). So horrendous is this doctrine that no small number have said, "That's too much!" They jettison their faith and switch to something "less offensive." What about you? How much is too much?

Or is there nothing too much? Is God Lord and Master? Does He get to do as He pleases (Psa 115:3; Psa 135:6)? The real question is this. Is God subject to your judgment or are you subject to His?


  1. No doubt I'm a poor example of a Christian, too often turning to that which is UNChristian in times of weakness instead of turning to Him. But lose faith? Not so far. Can't see it happening. A sinner like myself can't afford to do that.

  2. Since the first of May, we’ve had a parent die, a child attempt suicide, my wife lost her job, and my other child didn’t get offered a job he really wanted.

    I’m seeing God work in amazing ways. Ways that can’t be accounted for by any other explanation. I can’t see me ever turning my back on God after the (really last 3) year I’ve had.

  3. Craig, you're in my prayers. And your answer to "How much is too much?" appears to be Job's answer -- "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

  4. There have been a few points where I felt la little like Job.

    In the past I’ve tended to see God in hindsight, it’s cool to see Him work in real time.

    It makes me sad to think about those who don’t think God intervenes or has the power to do miracles.

  5. I don't personally see how people live without a Sovereign God.

  6. On the one hand I don’t either.

    On the other hand, they do have s sovereign god, themselves.

    “If your God never contradicts you, then your god probably is you.”

    At some point I should write about this and where God has done miraculous things.


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