Friday, May 11, 2018

Fantasy Reading List

Okay, maybe not, but seems like these might be fun reading even if they aren't yet.

Losing My Mind by Kent Kope
Writing Big Books by Warren Peace
The Lion Attacked by Claude Miarmoff
Archery 101 by Beau N. Aero
Songs for Children by Barbara Black-Sheep
Irish Heart Surgery by Angie O'Plasty
Crossing the Desert by I. Rhoda Camel
The Constant Truants by Marcus Absent
Falling Off Buildings by Eileen Dover and I. Phil Down
Positive Reinforcement by Wade Ago
Speaking Softly by Danielle Saloud
Italian Fog by Big Amyst
Snail Mail by Imelda Letter
Don't Argue With Me by Xavier Breth
Under the Bleachers by Seymour Butz
Lawn Maintenance by Elmo
New Math by Cal Q. Later
Living with Apathy by Don Kare
Private Security by Ren T. Cawp
Dash for the Outhouse written by Willy Makit, illustrated by Betty Woant, published by Andy Dint
Proctologist Handbook by Ben Dover
The Making of Monsters by Frank N. Stine
Government Economics by Owen A. Lott
Global Warming by Lotta Heat
RAM by Megha Bite
Safe Meal Practices by Hans R. Dirty, Goan, Wash.
A Matter of Opinion by R. U. Wright
Lost in the Woods by Werram Eye
The Next Robot by Anne Droid
Fear of Parachuting by Hugo First
Perfect Pasta by Al Dente
Puzzles by N. Igma
Military Discipline by Corporal Punishment
Watching Trees Grow by I. M. Board
How to Have the Ideal House by Bill Jerome Holm
Jail Break by Freida Convict
The Happy Vampire by Gladys Knight
Quick Cash by Robin Banks
Backyard Cooking by Barbie Cue
The Nudist Colony by Seymour Scin
The Road to Obesity by Ben Eaton
The Wrong Kind of Skinny by Bo Leemic and Ann O'Rexick
Modern Dance by Sheik Yabouti
Safe Hitchhiking by Rin Tackar


  1. Some were kind of a stretch as a name, but very funny.

  2. I'm open for suggestions.


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