Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I Have A Question

Okay, this is not a Bible study, a call to repentance, a political commentary, or (one of my favorites) an examination of the meanings of words. This is one of those "I'm just wondering" entries. I'm trying to figure something out and don't seem to be able to wrap my mind around it, so I'm going to see if any of you can help.

Here's the thing. We are mean people. Oh, no, not all and not completely mean. But among friends we will casually and with a smile insult one another just for a laugh. I suspect guys do it more than girls, but I think most of us do it to some extent or another. We will say something with a smile -- usually in jest -- that, taken at face value, is just ... well ... mean. You know, we do this "friendly ribbing" between friends (usually). One might say to a buddy, "Hey, your momma wears combat boots" and the other will retort, "Oh, yeah, well you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny." (I know ... really outdated, but you get the idea.) They laugh together and go about their day because nothing was actually meant by the exchange. We rarely (if ever) make jokes about positive things. In fact, we rarely say positive things (in jest or not). But we're really good at the jab.

Since it's often between friends and/or family, we can be quite adept at this. We have inside information. We know what their fears or weaknesses are. We know where to hit them. All in fun. Because it's just us, the two of us, having fun together. No harm intended. But does it do harm? In our kidding around like this do we actually injure friend without intending to?

I'm just wondering why we do it. I'm wondering what the motive is. I'm wondering what we get out of this ... meanness. I'm just wondering this stuff and I really can't find an answer here that makes sense to me.

1 comment:

  1. I remember telling Stan, that Jesus loves you but, he probably doesn't like you very much.
    it seemed at the time a great tension breaker, we both laughed at the ridiculous statement.
    It was the completed absurdity of the statement that made us laugh. Gallo's humor is the type that often solders and policemen use. it is dark and unsympathetic, but for those under great stress, it relieves much tension. mean people say mean things to hurt others, that's the way of it. but as loving people we shouldn't take ourselves to seriously. My brother Stan gets a lot of ribbing from me, because i don't want him to take himself too seriously. besides it's not his fault that Jesus likes me Best... question: it Stan could scream, would you hit him with a blue berry muffin? i would if he screamed all the time for no reason..


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