Friday, February 02, 2018


Dysphoria is defined as a general sense of unease or dissatisfaction. It's used today with the adjective "gender" -- "gender dysphoria" -- to refer to those who are born one gender but think they are ... another. I'm sure there are others.

Denominational Dysphoria
"I am a Christian," she told me.

"Oh, really! How wonderful! So you believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ apart from works, and that saving faith produces works that conform us to the image of Christ?"

"No, no, of course not. I think there are lots of ways to heaven and, frankly, that God will save everyone because He's a nice God."

"But ... that's not Christianity."

"Well, that's what the Bible says it is."

"Oh, sure, that's the kind of thing I used to believe, but I'm much more comfortable with this new Christianity, so I'm convinced that this is the right one. So don't be so narrow-minded or judgmental."

Denomination Dysphoria
I went to the coffee place and asked for a coffee.

"That'll be $2," he said. I gave him a one.

"That's two dollars."

"I gave you a five," I told him. "It was printed as a one but now identifies as a five. What are you -- some sort of intolerant bigot? Give me my change, please."

It was a good cup of coffee.


  1. Taxonomy Dysphoria

    "This is my new attack dog" I proudly told her while keeping a tight grip on Bruiser's leash

    She looked at Bruiser oddly then pronounced "It's a goldfish"

    Silly woman obviously doesn't realize that if I drop the leash he may attack her. "It is not, he's a bull dog. Look at his jaws snapping."

    "It's a goldfish in a bowl that you put on a skateboard" she huffed. "And he's not snapping his jaws, that's how goldfish breath."

    "He's just a puppy now, but when he gets older, you'll be in trouble lady" I tightened my grip on Bruiser's leash and gave him a tug being careful his skateboard didn't get too close to the curb "Come on Bruiser, some people are clearly not dog people."

  2. I liked the picture I saw yesterday of a beagle with the caption, "Bruce Jenner's cat."


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