Monday, January 01, 2018

A Nightmare

I had a dream the other night. Apparently I was to be part of an arranged marriage. (Never knew who arranged it.) The girl I was supposed to marry was nobody I actually know. She was nice, pleasant, attractive, and even willing. In the dream, I wasn't married, but in the dream I was also vaguely aware that I was. I took her aside and told her a little bit about me. "You don't know what I'm like. I'm a nice enough fellow, but you wouldn't be happy with me." I woke up.

It was a nightmare. Why? Because it wasn't my wife.

I woke up next to my beloved bride and thought how grateful I am to have her. I told the truth in my dream. I'm a nice enough fellow, but no one would be happy being married to me -- no one, that is, except my wife. She doesn't tolerate me; she seems to enjoy me, seems to be happy about my presence. Miracle of miracles ... she even likes my humor. (To anyone that knows me personally, that's big!)

I really can't say enough good things about my wife, as anyone who has read this blog might know. This is our 25th anniversary, and my dear wife and I are happier together than ever. I thank God for the gift she is to me and pray that I can be the husband God calls me to be to her, if we live that long, for another 25 years.


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