Friday, December 29, 2017

The Sex Problem

Mindy Belz of World Magazine wrote an article about the "Great Sexual Reckoning", this flood of harassment cases we're looking at for the last half of 2017. They remind us "that sex is sacred and transgression is costly." Mindy is not wrong; sex is sacred and transgression is costly. But I wonder ... are the people who are bringing the accusations doing so because they think sex is sacred? I don't think so.

It is true that God holds sex between humans in high regard. The command is "Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge." (Heb 13:4) When Paul lists the sins that will prevent people from entering the kingdom, he lists three sexual sins (1 Cor 6:9-10). Conversely, he speaks of marriage as the union of two people and concludes, "This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church." (Eph 5:31-32) Very important to God. Clearly far more important to Him than to most humans. For the majority it's more recreation than procreation, more fun than union, more physical pleasure than spiritual mystery. Yes, sex is sacred and transgression is costly.

I just don't think that the people bringing charges these days are doing so because they think it is. I think they're doing so because they think they are. God is not particularly sacred to society these days, but self is. "It's my body." Nothing can violate that. "It made me feel uncomfortable." No one should be made to feel uncomfortable. "They created a hostile work environment." All hostility is bad. Not just bad, evil. Not just evil, worthy of a big payout.

Now, be careful. "So, you're defending these monsters?" No, not in the least. I'm saying that Mindy there was right, that God sees sex as sacred and transgression is costly. I'm saying sexual abuse is bad. I'm actually saying that it's worse than most think. They think, "That poor person's rights were violated." I'm thinking, "God's glory has not been served." Much, much worse. Definitely not defending them. But those who, based on their own elevated sense of importance, complain about such things are guilty of their own violation, the violation of God's rights. Not too many are concerned about that, are they?

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