Saturday, December 02, 2017

News Weakly - 12/2/17

Good News!
Well, this is groundbreaking good news. "New archaeological tests have confirmed that the site many Christians believe to be the tomb of Jesus Christ dates back 1,700 years to A.D. 325, the same era when the Romans first identified the place as holy." "'Scientists and archaeologists are very excited about this because, what it does is, it corroborates our historical accounts,' said National Geographic archaeology writer Kristin Rome."

Okay, good news to National Geographic, I suppose. We don't much care. 1) The scientific agreement with a 1,700 year old declaration that this was the site of Jesus's tomb doesn't confirm that this was Jesus's tomb. 2) This site is irrelevant. On one hand, Jesus rose from the dead closer to 2,000 years ago; that means this location is 325 years out of date. On the other hand, He rose from the dead; where He was buried doesn't matter. 3) We don't need science to confirm Jesus died and rose again. But it is good news that He died and rose again!

Parenting Fail
A Virginia mother is facing felony charges because she was trying to be a good parent. Her elementary-school daughter was being bullied and the school refused to do anything, so she sent a recorder in her daughter's backpack to record what happened in a day. The school found it and called the police, charging her with felony "Interception, disclosure, etc., of wire, electronic or oral communications unlawful" violations.

Parents, you have been warned.

In Character
San Francisco was one of many cities that decided to intentionally jettison federal immigration law and released Garcia Zarate, a repeat offender (deported 5 times), who went out and killed Kate Steinle. The defense said it was a mistake, an error. He found a gun, stumbled, and accidentally shot and killed Steinle while she walked with her father on the pier. True to form, the jury acquitted Zarate of murder and involuntary manslaughter.

Now, note, the immigration status of Zarate is not the question. Defense attorney The question before the jury is "Did he do it?" The defense (and Zarate) claims he did accidentally and unintentionally shoot and kill Steinle. According to the dictionary, manslaughter is not murder, but the unintentional killing of another person. If there is a lack of intent, it is further designated involuntary manslaughter. Taking his story at face value, Zarate is not guilty of murder, but is guilty of the definition of involuntary manslaughter. But, then, San Francisco has already demonstrated that the laws aren't really that important. Defense attorney Francisco Ugarte said, "I believe today is a vindication for the rights of immigrants." If that's what we've seen, then immigrants have rights citizens don't -- to admit to breaking the laws and go free.

SCOTUS Will Hear the Case
So, it looks like Jack Phillips' case will make it to the Supreme Court. Jack is the Christian baker who refused to make a cake that violated his religious beliefs. The media would like to tell you that he "spurned a gay couple", but this only works if you're not interested in facts. He made cakes for gays before but wouldn't do it for a wedding cake. He also refused to make a Halloween cake and other cakes from companies with messages that conflicted with his beliefs. This is not about "gay rights", no matter what the media tells you. It's about First Amendment rights and religious freedom. But they won't stop telling you it's not; count on it.

No matter how you look at it, apparently the White House has pests. From one view, that would be the mice, cockroaches, and ants. Of course, the other view would say it's the occupants.

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