Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving, 2017

In everything, give thanks. Like ...

... the standards:
- Wife
- Parents
- Kids
- Family
- Employment
- Living in America
- Health
- Wealth
- Comfort
- All the good things

... the less noticed:
- Running water
- A hot shower
- A roof over my head
- Transportation
- Feet on which to put shoes
- Eyes with which to see
- Functioning body parts
- Air to breathe

... the unexpected:
- "Unanswered prayers"
- Missed opportunities
- Red lights
- A dead battery
- That horribly-timed flu
- The lost job
- The death of a loved one
- Bad news from the doctor

In everything give thanks. Everything. Try making your own list. I have a lot more to go.

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