Saturday, November 04, 2017

News Weakly - 11/4/17

Prepare for the Cleansing
A 40-foot tall cross that is a World War I memorial from 1925 could be ordered to be removed almost a century after it was put in place. Why? It's on public land. And everyone knows that a 40-foot tall cross is a government establishment of a religion. Oh, it's not? Well, try to tell that to the general public. The article refers to "a 'cleansing'". Picture, as an example, the fields of crosses at Arlington National Cemetery wiped clean. That's how the anti-theist (and their inadvertent lackeys) will paint it. "We're doing you a favor, America. We're 'cleansing' things." As if an anti-God country is "clean" in any sense. As if they'll stop at a WWI memorial.

I am opposed to sexual harassment. I'm opposed to sexual abuse. All bad things. I am in favor of definitions, however, and I'm really, really not clear. The story says, "Women protested sexual abuse and harassment Sunday in 11 French cities under the #MeToo banner." The sign says, "Feminism is the new sexy." Now, if a man says that a woman is sexy, is that harassment? (Hint: It very well could be.) If a woman tells a woman she is sexy, is that harassment? (Possible, but far less likely. See Ellen DeGeneres ogling Katy Perry.) If a woman calls a man sexy, is that sexual harassment? Very unlikely. So when is it okay to call someone "sexy". And if a man agrees with the sign, is that sexual harassment?? And isn't "seeing women as sexy" something they wanted to protest? Oh, it's really confusing.

Casting the First Stone
The church that George Washington helped to found is removing the plaque that honored him. As Trump suggested they would. (AKA "It's not a slippery slope fallacy if it actually happens.") Washington, you see, owned slaves. The article says, "Critics say there is no place in modern America for symbols associated with racism and slavery." So, I'm wondering ... how about any symbol of the Democrats? (Note: According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Republican Party was formed in the 1850's on the basis of an anti-slavery platform, bitterly opposed by the Democratic Party.)

In Answer to the Question
Since the November election of last year multiple people have asked me, "Why did so many Evangelicals vote for that man?" In answer to the question, may I submit Exhibit B. Apparently Hillary's campaign took over the DNC. "Democratic National Committee (DNC) interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile writes in a new book that it 'broke [her] heart' when she discovered evidence that she said showed Hillary Clinton’s campaign fixed the Democratic nomination system in her favor." I didn't vote for the man, but clearly Trump was not the only less-than-scrupulous candidate in the race.

In Celebration of the Reformation
Apparently the pope was celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this week. He was offering "offering thousands of hot deals on indulgences for the forgiveness of the temporal punishments for sin in purgatory." Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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