Saturday, November 18, 2017

News Weakly - 11/18/17

This Day in History
On November 13, 1998, then-President Bill Clinton agreed to pay Paula Jones $850,000 to drop her lawsuit claiming that he espoxed himself to her in a hotel room in 1991. He admitted no wrongdoing and offered no apology. Of course, Clinton finished out his term. He was impeached for perjury, but Democrats defended him on the sexual abuse charges. His affair with Gennifer Flowers was completely ignored.

Compare that with the current GOP push to eliminate Roy Moore from completing his senate race amidst the strangely-timed accusations of sexual abuse 38 years ago. Now, there is no defense for sexually abusing anyone. Ever. On the other hand, it is not unheard of for someone to falsely accuse another person. So, I'm not defending Moore. I'm contrasting the GOP's response to questionable suspicions of wrongdoing in their midst as opposed to denial of and defense by Democrats of more reliable accusations of those in their own camp.

Protesting Life
Actress Mila Kunis admitted to Conan O'Brien that she has "a monthly, reoccurring donation to Planned Parenthood set up in Mike Pence's name." The article says it is a "'peaceful protest' to express her disagreement with Pence's pro-life platform." Planned Parenthood applauds her opposition to life.

Rainbows and Unicorns
This week Australians voted to legalize same-sex "marriage". In other news, PETA, the animal rights group, has started the campaign to have unicorns declared an endangered species.

(In case I'm being too obscure, there are no unicorns, and there is no "marriage" that can be called "same-sex". Australians, like so many others, have voted in a nonexistent thing ... to the detriment of the real thing.)

Strange Business Plan
The media is reporting that an "anti-Trump hotel is coming to DC." A "we hate the president so we're going to make a hotel" hotel is going to be opened in Washington D.C.? What does that look like? No frills? No comfort? Certainly no foolishness. (Hey, maybe they could have a Twitter block?) A hotel built on "merging hospitality with progressive social change." Now just what does "progressive social change" have to do with a hotel?

I don't have to support Trump to find this idea completely ... silly.

Another Great Story
Sure, it's the Babylon Bee, but this is a great story. An atheist missionary goes to Papua New Guinea to teach the heathens there that there is no God and their existence is meaningless. They break out in joy ...

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Remember when Hillary was complaining about how poor they were? Makes you wonder where two poor people got $850,000. Also wondering what they would pay out now that they’ve gotten over $100 million?

    There would still be people making excuses for him and why it was ok.

    I do love the retroactive “Well, in hindsight we should have gotten Bill out of office so that means it’s ok to go after...”.

    I posted a link to an op/ed who’s author finally understands why so many on the right aren’t going after Trump or Moore very hard. It’s because the precedent was set with Clinton and their just being consistent with how Bill was defended.


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