Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Slave or Free?

Years ago in a study I was teaching we read the opening verse from Paul's epistle to Rome in which he refers to himself as "a bond-servant of Christ Jesus" (Rom 1:1). I explained that the term, "bond-servant", was the Greek δοῦλος -- doulos -- and meant literally "slave". The response was immediate. A couple of people in the group said with indignation, "I'm not a slave." As expected.

We're not slaves, right? We're free. We're not obligated to keep the law, right? We're free. We are not under obligation; we're free. Right?

The argument can be made in either direction. Jesus told His disciples, "No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you." (John 15:15) See? No longer slaves. Jesus also told His disciples, "You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am." (John 13:13) See? He is Lord; that makes us His slaves. In Paul's grand epistle in opposition to legalism, Paul wrote, "If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law." (Gal 5:18) See? "Not under the law." Jesus said, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." (John 14:15) See? Still under the law. Starting to feel like a ping-pong ball?

So, which is it? Are we slaves or are we free? Are we free from the law or are we obligated to obey? What say you? I say, "Yes."

The problem is a fundamental misunderstanding of the whole structure of things. We, looking at the world from our own two eyes, see it from our own self-centric orientation. In a very real sense, the world revolves around us, at least from our own perspective. But in reality, we know that's not the case because we know around Whom it does revolve. It is abundantly clear that "all things have been created through Him and for Him." (Col 1:16) It is irrefutable that God's stated purpose is "the summing up of all things in Christ." (Eph 1:10) "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." (Rom 11:36) The center, the whole point, the prime focus is Christ. And while we nod and think, "Yeah, that's what we believe," we muddle about in an anthropocentric mindset, a man-centered worldview. If it is uncomfortable for Man, it is bad, because Man is the issue. If it is pleasant for Man it is good, because Man is the issue. We don't like being slaves, so that's bad, because we are the issue. We do like being friends, so that's good because we are the issue. We claim Christ-centered thinking, but it doesn't come naturally, so we don't do it naturally.

The truth is that God has always been the Ruler. We have never not been slaves in that sense. We will never not be slaves in that sense. The truth is that God, as Maker and as Love, gave His creation commands for our good. We are always obligated to obey because of His position, but since it is for our good, we are also wise and blessed to obey. Like telling a child, "I command you to eat that cookie." But we have for so long bought the lie that God is not good -- from the days of Eden on -- that we've become dubious about how good that cookie is. And we're just not going to enjoy it ... so there!

We are told that Christ is "the head over all rule and authority." (Col 2:10) We cannot not be under Him. But our Lord and Savior doesn't provide salvation on the basis of our obedience to Him; that comes on the basis of His unmerited favor -- grace -- through faith in Him (Eph 2:8). Freed, then, from the weight of having to obey in order to gain His favor, we are now free to obey out of pleasure -- because we love Him (John 14:15). So our slavery is a positional one based on His Lordship and a voluntary one based on our submission to Him. The result is a hitherto unknown freedom to obey, powered by God (Phil 2:13). We are new creations now (2 Cor 5:17) that enjoy the Lordship of Christ and long to please Him with obedience for His glory because it is our greatest joy to do so. Slave or free? Yes ... yes indeed!


  1. America is a wonderful country, and our Democratic system of government has been responsible for freeing others from oppression. but we have forgotten what it means to serve a higher authority. in our quest to free ourselves from the tyranny of despot kings,and have true Independence. we forgot a more universal law. no matter how free we may be, we all must serve somebody. we may be free from the law and the wages of sin, but we are not without obligation to serve the ONE who shed his blood for our freedom. we are either a slave to sin, or we are a slave to righteousness. absolute freedom is just an idea that has no basis in reality. in actuality; we are at all points, dependent upon the providential hand of God. yes we are saved from the Law of sin and death, but what are we saved to? we are no longer our own, we were bought with a price. so that now we serve a new master, Jesus Christ. just saying....

  2. "I am not a slave"; the chorus of those who are slaves to sin.

  3. Didn't the Pharisees say that ... while they were under Roman dominion?


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