Saturday, October 28, 2017

News Weakly - 10/28/17

More Sad Boy Scout News
I'm sure you've seen the story. An 11-year-old Cub Scout asked his state senator, Vicki Marble, about gun control and was kicked out of the Cub Scouts. "The mother was told her son's question was disrespectful and too political." Now, to be clear, the Boy Scouts says that that he's not kicked out; he just needs to go to another scout group.

I think it's sad. It's sad that the public sees this as a free speech issue rather than a matter of disrespect. (If you see what he asked, it's a free speech issue. If you see how he asked, it's clearly a matter of disrespect.) I think it's sad that his parents have politicized him, but never taught him to respect the office. I think it's sad that this boy clearly represents the thinking of the day, that no office ought to be respected. And I think it's sad that this scout leader would think that the best way to help this kid who is not being taught respect is to kick him out ... rather than, you know, teach him to respect. So many sad things.

This is Just Strange
Normally the stuff I put in here is pointed, indicative of our times, that sort of thing. This one is just ... strange. If you haven't been paying much attention, you may not know who Michael Bay is. He's an American filmmaker known for big-budget, big screen stuff like five Transformers movies about giant robots that trash everything and always a pretty young thing who runs around useless but attractive. He is responsible for Bad Boys and its sequel, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor ... stuff like that. And if you don't have little kids, you may not be familiar with Dora. She is a cartoon character from the NickJr network in the children's educational genre. She's an 8-year-old Mexican girl with a purple monkey who goes on travels to teach kids things, but especially young girls that they can be anything they want. So what? Well, apparently Michael Bay is going to direct a live-action Dora the Explorer. I'm assuming complete with killer robots where Dora is scantily clad and an airhead in trouble? What's next? Quentin Tarantino directs a live action My Little Pony? Strange.

Delusions of Gender
You may not be able to wrap your mind around a Michael Bay Dora the Explorer movie, but that might be because our world is losing its collective mind. The UK is demanding that the UN change "pregnant woman" to "pregnant person" because, as everyone knows, it is not only women who can get pregnant; men can, too. Right? Right? So let's erase the word, "woman", from public life. Everyone is whatever they think they are ... as long as we say they are. (I mean, let's not get ridiculous. A white woman cannot become black or anything like that. We're not stupid, you know.)

Lesbian Privilege?
October 25th was Katy Perry's birthday. In celebration of her birthday, Ellen DeGeneres put out a tweet of DeGeneres ogling Katy's breasts. Now, DeGeneres identifies as no gender, but as a lesbian. If anyone else -- say, a Harvey Weinstein or a George H.W. Bush -- were to do that, the outrage would be instant and palpable. But I guess it's okay because it's Ellen, a lesbian, right?

Who's Crying Now?
So, it looks like the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the dossier of allegations around Trump and Russia. Indeed, according to the story, "None of the major facts revealed this week are being disputed." "Ummm, so?" That's what they're trying to say. Well, if it is no big deal, why didn't you say it was the case in the first place? Looks bad for the Hillary/DNC team.

The Irony is Strong with this one.
Meet Sophia. Sophia is not a female; she is a robot. And, appearing on stage at the Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh, she was awarded citizenship in Saudi Arabia, a country known for sharia law (Sophia appeared without burka) and especially for not allowing women equal rights. "I am very honored and proud for this unique distinction," Sophia told the crowd, as if a robot can feel honored and proud. In a world that no longer knows basic concepts like what marriage is or what male and female is, I suppose this ironic new twist is "reasonable."

Yeah, yeah, it's the Babylon Bee, but it's ... pointed. The headline reads, "Trump Supporter Outraged by Sexual Immorality of Hollywood." The same question I've wondered about from Christians who voted for Trump, but, hey, that's just me, right?

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