Saturday, September 02, 2017

News Weakly - 9/2/2017

First and Foremost
Continue to pray for and help in any way possible those who have endured and are enduring the onslaught of Hurricane Harvey.

End Hate
Why is it that it appears that many have concluded that the way to end hate is to beat on the people that do it? At least, that's how it looked in Berkeley last weekend. "Anarchists" and "antifa" pummeled peaceful demonstrators, forcing the police to rescue Joey Gibson, the much unloved leader of Patriot Prayer. And I can't quite figure out the aim. Is it possible, in the minds of some, to "stamp out hate" by means of hate and force and laws? Nope ... not getting it. I'm opposed to hating people. I'm against racism ... probably more than most. (We're made in the image of God; racism is an assault on God.) But this "beat them 'til they're gone" idea doesn't seem like the way to get there.

Gone with the Whine
I once saw a comic strip where a scientist was walking into a cancer research center reading the results of a test. "According to this," he says, "everything causes cancer." Well, according to this, everything causes racial tension. "A Tennessee theater has canceled a long-running screening of 'Gone With the Wind' because of racially insensitive content in the classic 1939 film." The story says, "This is the 34th straight year it has screened at the theater." Apparently "a 'social media storm' played a role in the decision." It's all over, folks. You can go home now. Nothing is not a problem. And nothing that offends anyone at any time in any sense should be available for anyone ever. The "social media" crowd will see to that.

By way of evidence, see the story about the Catholic school in California removing Catholic images of Jesus and Mary and such, Catholic cirriculum, and Catholic appearances to avoid offending students. In other words, those who choose to go to a Catholic school might be offended by Catholicism, so the school has to change.

(Hint: The Gospel is an offense (Rom 9:33; 1 Cor 1:20-25). Can you guess who is next to go?)

No Win
See? This is why many people are saying, "There is nothing Donald Trump can do that would be regarded as positive by most of the media and the left." They complained in Charlottesville that he said too little too late and then too much. Now they're complaining that he went to survey Texas too soon. "Oh, and his stupid wife wasn't dressed appropriately. Losers." What's the next headline ... "Trump continued breathing; that needs to stop"? Actually, that may not be too much of an exaggeration.

On the Nashville Statement
Ever with the sarcasm, this is actually a pretty good piece from the Babylon Bee titled The Bee Explains: What Is The Nashville Statement? Once more cutting close to the bone with humor.


  1. Oh, but progressives are against violence, didn't you know that? What, oh ANTIFA isn't on the left, they're not, trust me. Oh, they're too busy rescuing people in Houston to be beating people in CA.

    Oh Trumo donated a million dollars for Hurricane relief, and he's not taking a salary. Those evil rich, he should be doing more.

  2. As long as those in positions of authority continue to capitulate to the fascists by cancelling events, taking down statues, etc, the fascist will keep making demands. Someone needs to stand up to them and tell them where they can go.

  3. In the news today we find that Homeland Security warned that antifa was a potentially terrorist organization back in 2016. I guess it's not just the "right" that thinks they're dangerous ... even if they're "leftist pacifists". You know, "What are you going to believe? Your eyes or us?"


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