Saturday, April 29, 2017

News Weakly - 4/29/2017

Trigger Warnings
A pro-life club on the University of Fraser Valley campus in British Columbia held an art show. (The link gives three examples of the art that was shown.) Nothing graphic. But the university required warning signs at every entrance. "The event conducted just beyond this sign may contain triggering and/or sensitive material. Right to life and or Pro-life messages and imagery are some of the topics included within this event. If you feel triggered, please know that there are resources to support you ..." Seriously? "Feel triggered"? As in, "Does your conscience bother you? We'll try to ease your conscience about killing babies."

Who Knew?
Muslims avoid pork as a matter of religion. Who knew it could also be fatal for them?

Can you say "double standard"?
Rebel Wilson, actress well known for insulting others, is, of course, maintaining the standard of "do unto others" by suing a media outlet for insulting her. This is the kind of double standard we've come to expect from folks. Don't let it be yours.

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