Thursday, April 13, 2017

Are We There Yet?

I often feel like the little kid on the family vacation. You know, the old station wagon with the travel accoutrements (luggage, camping gear, whatever) tied up on the roof and the whole family bundled inside. Mom tries to amuse the kids with games or singing. Dad just tries to keep the car straight -- it's a long way to the end of the road. And so shortly into this drive I'm in the back going, "Are we there yet?" You see, I want to be there.

Some time back I was talking to a friend about going home to Jesus. A coworker happened by and overheard. "What's the matter?" she asked. "Is life so hard here?" I answered with a parable.

"You live in a nice place, don't you?" "Yes, close to the beach ... a nice place." "Okay," I said, "now imagine that you get a knock on the door and when you open it there's a guy there in a suit and tie with an official briefcase and all. When you let him in he tells you you've won a sweepstakes. It's quite a prize, too. They will buy a lot in the place you want to live and then build you a house to your preferences. They will furnish it with all the nice things you could want. They will provide servants and help for life. They will give you and your husband new cars and even chauffeurs if you like. And when those cars wear out, you'll get new ones. All is paid for, tax free."

"Now," I finish, "would you take the prize?" "Oh, sure!" she answered enthusiastically. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Is life so hard here?"

I do so want to go home. No, I'm not miserable. No, it's not that I'm trying to escape anything. No, it's not that there is anything wrong. Well, mostly. To be fair, I am sick and tired of sinning. I am looking forward to ending that part of my existence. But I am certainly looking forward to going home. Are we there yet?
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Phil 1:21)

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