Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Empty Calories

The grandkids offered this little treat to their grandma for Valentine's Day. Very nice. Very sweet. If you looked at the basket of goodies attached to the stuffed owl, you'd see what looked like a very sweet treat, in fact. A good sized box full of chocolates.
That is, until you read the nutritional label. Take a look.

"Serving Size: 4 pieces. Number of Servings: 2"

Interesting. So the 8 or so pieces of candy you see at the top of this "pile" of goodies in the box are all there is. It is completely empty underneath. Nothing at all. Empty space. It looks all sweet and generous and all, but underneath it's useless ... at best.

So much like sin. Looks sweet. Promises big things. Even tugs at the heart strings. But underneath it's hollow, empty, worse than useless. The Valentine box will contribute to bad health. Sin will contribute to spiritual death. And yet we are happy to pursue both. Enraptured by the surface appearance, we find ourselves robbed in the end. We are offered Christ and all He has, but we're satisfied with a few pieces of candy and a stuffed doll because it looks so tempting.

Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) The picture is of the thief. I recommend the abundant life.

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