Thursday, January 07, 2016

Find the Christian

The CNN headline reads, "Is America ready for a non-Christian president?" Apparently, while we have already had an African-American president and we could very well end up with a Latino or even female president in the very near future, America is not ready for a non-Christian president. Apparently CNN, better equipped than most to know, has determined that every president we've ever had has been a Christian. Oh, well, maybe not. They wonder about Jefferson and Lincoln. Lincoln, you see, never joined a church. Clearly not a Christian. And the author of the piece is concerned. America is not keeping up with the changing fabric of America.

Now, this may shock you, but I'm not so sure Lincoln was a Christian, either. Except ... I'm not sure at all about many of the presidents we've had. Hey, while something like 70% of Americans classify themselves as Christian, I'm not so sure about them, either. You see, in the polls you'll find 1) lots of people call themselves Christians and 2) the vast majority of them say it doesn't make much of a difference in their lives. And that, dear reader, isn't really possible.

Take, as an example, this amazing statement from John's first epistle.
No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. (1 John 3:9)
That's a big "cannot". It's not a "might not". It's "cannot". In fact, read through the entire epistle. It's full of things that make it abundantly clear that one who is "born of God" has a very clear life change. You cannot be born of God to new life and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit without changing at all. Can't happen.

In terms of American presidents, ask yourself, what did they do that was motivated by their following Christ? That might lead you to question as I do the Christian-ness of many presidents. But my point is not the presidents. My point is us. We tell ourselves we're Christ-followers. We tell ourselves -- 70+% of us do -- that we're Christians. So, does your life reflect that? What do you do that is motivated by your devotion to Christ? Convincing me isn't important, but you might want to be sure of it for your own benefit (2 Peter 1:5-11).


  1. Just read the link, only 100 million non-Christians? That's hardly believable given our current religious climate. I'd be more willing to believe 100 million Christians, but not the other way around. Unfortunately, too many people that are even mildly religious probably classify themselves as Christian, inflating that meaningless number.

  2. Exactly. Thus the challenge to "Find the Christian". Jesus said the gate was narrow and few would find it. CNN believes something different ... and too many of us go along with it.

  3. The current president is a bonafide non-Christian, so I guess America was ready for one.

  4. Right on the first point, but I'm not sure America was (is) ready for it.

  5. HAH!! You're right -- only the LEFT was ready for it. Real Christians weren't.

  6. I'd suggest that America isn't ready for a president who identifies as a non Christian. Obviously, we've had/have them but I think that they would still identify as Christian.

  7. Most candidates don't seem to identify. I don't think America cares. On the other hand, a self-identified atheist would likely be successful. And, on the other hand, a self-identified, genuine Christian would also not likely be successful.

  8. a self-identified, genuine Christian would also not likely be successful

    You hit the nail on the head with that one.

  9. I'd like to find out. First, that would require knowing with certainty that the self-identified, genuine Christian actually is one. But assuming so, and with his announcing so, I would love to see how successful such a candidate would be. It would give us a far better understanding of just how much this nation values such a thing. I'd really like to know.

  10. I would suggest that the genuine Christian would demonstrate the reality of his relationship with Christ with genuine Christian character and values.


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