Thursday, December 10, 2015

Illegal Questions

The other day I had someone question my salvation. I think that this is probably not as common as one might think. It is an "illegal question" in most circles. If they say they're a Christian, take them at their word. (By all means, do not delve into "What do you mean by 'Christian'?" or any other such pointed thing.) You can question their political stance, perhaps, but their status as a Christian is off limits. In our day so is their moral status. Don't question that.

It's a funny thing, though. Questioning the salvation of another might be viewed as offensive, but I don't see it that way. In fact, the only people whose salvation I don't question are the people I don't care about. (Most in that category are people of whom I have no knowledge, so it's not as bad as it sounds. Not as bad.) Indeed, since I obviously care about me, I fall in that category myself. I question my own salvation at times. I don't think that's bad. I think it is actually rather important. Like Peter said, it's important to "confirm your calling and election" (2 Peter 1:10) or, as Paul said, to "Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves." (2 Cor 13:5)

Actually, I don't understand the problem. I know of someone whose salvation was questioned and it resulted in a vast rift. Now, whether or not the person asking the question had proper motives or the rift was necessary, to me the question is important. You see, there is no more important question about each of us than "Do you know Jesus?" There is nothing better than knowing Jesus and nothing worse than the consequences of not knowing Jesus. Obviously some will ask the question with wrong motivation -- I'm quite sure the one who challenged me fell in that category -- but the question is important. "Do you have a living, breathing, genuine relationship with the Son of God?" As such, it has to be the most loving question any of us can ask and, on the other hand, the most hateful thing we can do to avoid it.

But not these days. Don't ask that. Don't ask if they're sinning. Don't question their moral status or their spiritual status. "It's none of your business if they're violating God's commands or going to Hell. You just keep to your side of that fence and leave them alone." That seems wrong to me. That seems cold and unloving to me. But I suppose that's just me.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard for some of us to be willing to take the chance of being hated or disliked for broaching the subject. It's no excuse.

    Every day 7000 Americans die. How many people will you and I see today and never again before they go on to their final accounting?

    When I think about this, it makes me realize how cowardly I am.



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