Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Protesting the Truth?

This is just just embarrassing. More than one outspoken Christian is protesting Starbucks because of their red and green Christmas cups. "Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus," they complain. So they're never going back to Starbucks again.

It's embarrassing because they're acting as if it's a surprise. Jesus told His disciples, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you." (John 15:18) That's just the way it is. "For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot." (Rom 8:7) Why would any Christian be surprised at this?

It's embarrassing because they actually believe that Starbucks' cups ought to reflect Christian values. Seriously, are you expecting Starbucks to obligate itself to rightly reflect the reason for the season? Look, guys, if you're going to protest every business that rejects Christ and fails to reflect Christian values, you'll be limited to an extremely small list of places to shop.

It's embarrassing because they don't know the reason for the colors. Starbucks has included the traditional red, green, and white on their cups. This has angered some. What they apparently don't realize is the origin of the colors. According to multiple sites, here's the point of the colors. They were originally incorporated into the Christmas story for people who couldn't read. The green, displayed primarily by trees (which were eventually called "Christmas trees") was symbolic of life. The red placed in the trees, often in the form of apples, was intended to symbolize the fall of Adam followed by the blood of Christ as the solution to the Fall. The white, connected to the obvious snow of winter, also symbolized the "white as snow" with which we are washed by the blood of Christ. That is, the colors tell the Gospel story.

Ah, well, not much I can do about it. They'll complain. I'll be embarrassed. Such is life. But perhaps you, dear reader, can reflect on the glory of the truth of God's gift of life in the form of the blood of His Son that washes sin as white as snow and find a reason to rejoice, even if it is behind Starbuck's back.


  1. guess we just have to pick the best ground for our battles.
    really? of all the persecution going on in the middle east and the rest of the world. we have to protest Starbucks? love the color story though..

  2. I am just dumbfounded that self-proclaimed Christians would protest the world for not loving Jesus. "Move over Starbucks ... there is a long list of organizations that don't love Jesus and are doing business right now. We've got some real boycotting to do." Sigh.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. yea we have to get real about the idea that we are NOT of this world. some believe that our calling is to change the world for the better. wonder how that is working out? maybe we should create a Holy army and destroy all that oppose us... oh yea someone else already thought of that. never mind...

  5. The sad part is I wouldn't be surprised if some did.

    And that link had nothing to do with the story.

  6. According to the sources I found, Glenn, the story may or may not be made up, but there are some who are taking it to heart and are serious about it. Nuts ... completely nuts.

  7. Okay, I didn't look at the link I posted: apparently the previous copied link was still in my "copy" and I didn't get the one I wanted.

    From what two articles I've come across have said, it is part hoax as people blew it up sort of intentionally, but one person started the whole thing and only a very few people are really upset, but the social media has blown it all out of proportion. Here are the two stories I have:

    I like Matt Walsh.

  8. Yes, as Matt pointed out, what disturbs me most is that the media is running with it like this nutcase is the defacto representative of Christendom and "Christians are all upset." No, we're not. And those (very few) who are embarrass me. "Please," I want to tell them, "don't tell anyone you're a Christian."


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