Saturday, September 05, 2015

Please Don't Love Me

This is what we call love.

Earlier this year a woman made the Internet hit parade with her letter to her aborted baby. It was a warm, moving letter about how much she loved her baby and so she would be killing this one because she couldn't afford right now to give her a good home but the next one, surely, would benefit from her ... choice. People were all smiles and congratulations on her bravery and honesty. And I'm thinking, "If killing someone is love to you, please ... don't love me."

In Leon Russell's famous A Song for You, he says this. "I've treated you unkindly but darlin' can't you see / There's no one more important to me / so darlin' can't you please see through me." If treating someone unkindly is love to you, please ... don't love me.

A young mother just down the road from here was arrested yesterday for drowning her twin 2-year-old sons. She said she thought they were being bullied and loved them too much to let that happen, so she killed them. If killing someone is love to you, please ... don't love me.

Miley Cyrus is in the news ... again. She has announced that she is "pansexual." Fairly new term, I know. It is a sexual attraction toward people of no particular sex or gender identity. Sex with anyone. For her role at the MTV Video Music Awards Sunday night they called her "the most narcissistic award-show host ever," with "more drug references than a Snoop Dogg song" and "With her naughty bits barely covered, she turned the entire event into a spectacle." Her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, (known as a Christian) "advised his daughter to be what she likes to be." On her sexual orientation (which, from the description, appears to be either "everything" or "none at all"), Dad said, "The world needs positive influences." If self-destructive behavior and any form of Christian morality is your version of love, please ... don't love me.

This is what our world classifies as love today. Embrace everything. Do anything. Use, misuse, abuse ... as long as we call it "love", it's love. Please ... don't love me like that.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. (1 Cor 13:4-8)
That kind of love I'll take.


  1. That was good, Stan. I had to FB that one!

  2. And if I was on FB, I'd go look! :)

  3. Yes, very good. They pervert "love" the way they pervert everything else.

  4. " does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth."

    That's the part on which I'd love to see more people focus.

    Notice also how nothing in that entire passage mentions any tingling of naughty bits or any other form of eroticism. The "God is love"(TM) scolding we get from certain sources can't seem to get a handle on that distinction.


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