Friday, July 24, 2015

On the Losing Side

I've heard it too many times from too many sources. Those who side with God's Word, with historic orthodoxy and all that kind of thing are "on the losing side." I hear it from opponents of any of that, of course. What should I expect? But I hear it from those in favor of all that. "We find ourselves on the losing side." The losing side of what?

"Well," of course they'll tell me, "of history" or "of the court battles" or "of society." Because, as is abundantly clear, the courts and society are moving away from God's Word, orthodox Christianity, and biblical values and morality. I mean, it doesn't take a conservative to see that.

And, of course, when the liberals say this, they exult in it. The Christians (the "losing side") are unhappy about it, but those most closely aligned with society are happy to see that God's Word is on the decline and "better", "more modern" views are taking hold.

Still, while it may seem like I have a clear grasp on all this terminology and perspective of "the losing side" concept, I'm baffled. It's true that people are exiting the mainline churches in large numbers and even the more conservative churches in smaller numbers. That sounds like "losing". And it's true that the legislative and judiciary branches are moving away from Christian values. That sounds like "losing", too. But I have to ask, what was the aim?

Is the aim of the Bible, of Christianity, of God to push societies into more Christian perspectives? I mean, sure, I concur that it would be good for a society to align itself more closely with biblical values, but is that the aim? If not, then the fact that our society is moving away from Christian perspectives reflects no loss to the Christian aims.

What is the purpose of Christianity? Well, first and foremost it is (like everything) for the glory of God (e.g., 1 Cor 10:31). Jesus said He came "that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) We can look at the fruit of the Spirit to figure out what God's plan is for His people. Over against the works of the flesh (Gal 5:19-21), God's plan for people is "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." (Gal 5:22-23) Looking ... looking ... nope, no "win the culture to God's perspective." No "make sure the courts rule in your favor." Not even a "be sure your rights are vigorously defended." Instead we read things like "be conformed to the image of his Son" (Rom 8:29) and "present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." (Rom 12:1) We are not called to political action and moral control; we are called to "be holy" (1 Peter 1:14-16).

Look, they took our Savior and arrested Him and tried Him and crucified Him. And He did nothing to stop it. Was He "on the losing side"?

You see, we aren't called to control the branches of the government. We aren't called to transform our culture. We aren't called to bring about heaven on earth. We are commanded to be holy, to glorify God, to be like Christ (you know, "Christian"). These are not things that our society or government can alter. No, the only way we can be on the losing side is if we're choosing to ignore the purpose of the Christian life. Maybe then they have a point. But only if you let them. Because the only thing preventing you from being on the winning side is if you choose not to pursue being a Christian.

1 comment:

  1. We're only on the losing side if you deem this life to be the only one. And since we are such finite creatures, it is difficult for us to grasp the long view and see who the real Winner will be. That's why even Christians will say we're on the losing side, because we're so shortsighted.


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