Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Religious Freedom? What's That?

California has enacted that mandatory vaccination law. "Brown, a Democrat, issued a signing statement just one day after lawmakers sent him the bill to strike California's personal belief exemption for immunizations." The reason for eliminating the personal belief exemption? "The evidence shows that immunization powerfully benefits and protects the community."

There you have it. The legislators and governors and courts can decide what "benefits and protects the community" and can legally remove your First Amendment rights. Sorry, too bad. Hey, you know what? We think that redefining marriage benefits the community, so we are outlawing your right to dissent. Too bad. Hey, you know what? We think that eliminating dissension benefits and protects the community, so we're outlawing your right to speak against homosexual behavior ... or abortion or premarital sex or ... you know, whatever we wish. Sorry, too bad.

No, I'm not an anti-immunization type. Not the point. And, no, no one is doing any of that. Yet.

In other news, Walmart refused to make a cake for a customer with the Confederate flag on it with the words, "Heritage, not hate.' They did make him one with the ISIS battle flag. Walmart apologized. They should not have made either. Because Christians are not allowed to abide by their First Amendment rights, but stores are perfectly free to discriminate.

Can you see your First Amendment rights circling the drain?

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