Friday, May 15, 2015

Radical Christianity

When you think "radical" you normally think "extreme" or "drastic". Funny thing. While it certainly is one of the definitions, it's not the primary one. The first definition of the word is "fundamental". Another is "thorough, complete, or total". Or how about "forming a basis or foundation"? That's one.

We hear often about "radical Christianity". That's when we're really "far out", doing the unusual. And what is commonly thought of as "unusual" and "far out" Christianity? It's biblical. It's obedient. It's a walk by faith instead of solely limited to sight. You know ... it's what the Bible says.

Now, of course, there is another term for that. It's called "fundamentalism". Oh, wait! That was another definition of "radical", wasn't it? Okay, yeah. I favor radical Christianity. As opposed to less biblical, less thorough, less complete, less fundamental. Do I recommend "radical Christianity"? As long as you mean a thoroughgoing follower of Christ, I do. Isn't it odd that this would be thought of as "radical"?


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?