Monday, May 18, 2015

Number One

What do you suppose is the number one cause of atheism? Some might like you to believe it is the evidence. No, that's not accurate. There is no evidence for the non-existence of God. No, they would (should) argue for the lack of evidence. Still, I don't think that's the number one cause. From people I've known, articles I've read, and studies I've seen, there is another number one cause for atheism. That is the problem of evil. Oh, that's high sounding, but it's not quite like that. You see, most atheists, if they're honest, will tell you that they first started to disbelieve in God when something bad happened. Maybe a series of "something bads". A family member died. A terrible disease struck. Personal loss. Tragic events. And the age-old "How could God allow something like this to happen?" undercuts the belief in God.

Seriously, the problem is huge. It even has its own field of philosophy. It's called "Theodicy"--from Greek: "theos" for God and "dik" for justice. That is, "Is God just?" Theodicy tries to argue that He is. So it offers a variety of reasons why God would do what He does when we can't figure out "why bad things happen to good people".

I'm not offering a theodicy here. I'm pointing out how the need for theodicy points out the problem. No, not the problem with defending God. The problem of why bad things happen. First, consider. Can God be just if God does not punish transgressions? Obviously justice requires the proper response to ... crime. So, what is the crime?

You see, the fundamental complaint against God in view here is that God does not conform to our standards. He does not give us the good things we want. He allows things we don't want. He fails to meet our designated requirements. Because, you see, due to our nature--our sin nature--we are the most important beings in the universe and God, if there is one, must submit Himself to our demands. So we have skeptics who complain "Prayer doesn't work because God doesn't give me what I ask for." And we have liberal theologians who argue that Hell is wrong. And we have a Supreme Court that is considering redefining marriage. All because we are the most unjustly arrogant beings in the universe. We are Number One. And God has failed our tests, so He's right out. Thus, the need for a just God to respond to the evil we perpetrate. You know, the response we complain about to the evil we present.

In short, the number one reason for atheism is that we humans consider ourselves Number One. We believe a deity would be obligated to us--to meet our standards and be our Butler and provide our pleasures. And we're dead wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, the whole way through I was thinking "rebellion". I think that you are more right, for you go to the root of the rebellion.


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