Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Still Not Getting It

So, you've probably heard. Megan Huntsman, a Utah woman, pleaded guilty to six postpartum abortions. She did it, she said, to spare them from being raised by a meth-addict mother and inheriting their mother's problems. And this, apparently, is a crime.

It is a crime to kill babies in the womb according to the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, unless, of course, the mother wants to. Because that makes sense. But if a woman with the same motivations as these pre-birth abortions kills her newborns, it is murder. And that makes sense ... how?

Look, I'm not making a call here. "This is right and that is wrong." I'm saying, "Make sense!" Because this doesn't. Never has. And in a society quickly and consciously distancing itself from the Lawgiver, it never will. Either human life has value or it does not. If it does, its location in the birth process does not matter. If it does not, murder does not matter. Of course, if chimpanzees are granted status of "legal persons" (and the unborn are not), then humans are not of particular value and you can all do as you please. If you're going to make this stuff up yourself, America, make a choice here.


  1. I have to wonder what she was thinking for each of those 9 months. She doesn't want drug addicted babies, fine, but why wait until after they are born to abort? Why suffer through pregnancy when you have no intention of letting them live. Of course, the prudent thing to do would be to stop taking drugs and not have sex, but what's the fun in that.

    In fact, I've never really understood the "right over my body" argument as being a legit excuse. Yes, you have the right over your own body, so exercise that right before hand. Because once you're pregnant, you don't have the right over the body growing in you, do you? That would just be another body inside a body, separate but dependent. But then, I've always accused humanity in general and America in particular of being schizophrenic.

  2. "I've never really understood the "right over my body" argument as being a legit excuse."

    See? You're not getting it either. Because it is schizophrenic.

  3. Your nex post explains everything.


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