Saturday, April 25, 2015

I'm Just Asking

Yes, I know, I don't usually do two in a day, but I have to know. Now that Bruce Jenner has assured us that he is a woman, is our society going to be consistent?

Look, we "all know" that you're "born that way" and we "all know" that your gender may not be the same as your anatomy. So now we "know" that Bruce Jenner was born a woman in a man's body. He's always been that way, right? Because you're "born that way". I mean, he didn't turn female recently, did he?

So, are they going to be consistent? Are they going to strip him of his medals? He, a woman, competed in the men's decathlon. Are they taking those back? Are they cancelling out any women's records and substituting his? And how about the medical profession? First we had this woman named Thomas Beatie who claimed she was a man having babies and now we have Bruce Jenner claiming he's a woman who fathered multiple children. So are the medical books going to change about how men and women produce babies? Might as well. We've been "undefining" lots of things. Not redefining--undefining. Remove the existing definition and don't substitute a new one. We've undefined marriage and we've undefined female and male. Why not undefine the whole "birds and the bees" thing?

Look, I'm not passing judgment here. (I can do that when I'm by myself, right?) I'm just asking a couple of the obvious questions. I just want to know one thing. Not "Are they right?" but "Will they be consistent?" Because inconsistency suggests either a lack of belief in a position or an erroneous position ... or both.


  1. I doubt they will seeing as the news article from CNN continued to call him "he". On another note, does that make his wife a lesbian? I used to have a coworker that labeled herself as a lesbian and was dating a "woman" that was really just a man that thought he was a woman. If you have sex with someone that has the physical gender of the opposite sex, can you really call yourself gay just because the other person believes they aren't what they really are?

  2. "He"? What's wrong with those people. Didn't they hear him say, "I've always been a woman"?

    I started to answer about the wife that he's divorced (again), but I realized that if he was "born that way", then he's always been a woman and it would suggest that those three wives were in a lesbian relationship ... before it was called "marriage".

    I thought it odd. I only saw clips of the interview, but one question was, "Are you gay?" He said he wasn't. But this is real confusion, isn't it? I mean, he desires women and he's transitioning to be a woman. What DOES that make him?

    Oh, so many questions!


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