Monday, April 13, 2015


The organization for which I work recently asked its large number of workers to fill out a diversity survey. You know, "How are we doing on this whole 'diversity' thing?" Because they are deeply concerned about it. so concerned are they that the multiple choice options for "gender" had four choices. (I had to look up "genderqueer" to even know what that was.) You see, they're that diverse.

Amongst all the normal stuff was a normal question you might expect. "Do you feel safe expressing your views that might not align with the rest of the group?" I had to answer "No". Wouldn't you? Because, you see, while the current climate requests, seeks, clamors for, demands "diversity", they don't actually mean it.

Evidence Memories Pizza. Have you heard of them? That's the Indiana pizza parlor who expressed their diverse view that if they were asked to cater a gay wedding, they'd have to refuse ... and they had to close their doors from the death threats. A high school girl's golf coach was suspended for tweeting "Who's going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me?" Because, of course, this is what tolerance and a love of diversity brings us. One party says, "I'm sorry, I can't do that" and the other says, "We'll burn you to the ground!" and the first one is the hateful one.

This sexual revolution that has engulfed us started back in the 1960's. The "Love" generation, you know. "Make love, not war," they said. So today they wish to make war ... in the name of "love". They demand tolerance ... by refusing it. "You can't tolerate intolerance," they'll counter, but the owners of the pizza place weren't being intolerant. They weren't saying, "You can't have sex with whomever you please" or even "You can't pretend to marry whomever you please", but merely, "I can't participate." That, my friends, is tolerance. "You may; I cannot." That is diversity. "We're different; just let me be different."

The truth is that it is not safe in today's environment to express a moral opinion against the prevailing sexual market. It'll get you death threats or fired or ... lots of options, none of them good. All in the name of diversity ... a diversity that is willing to forcibly remove the diverse.


  1. I think the sexual revolution really started in the 1950s. It was during that time when Playboy brought pornography into mainstream. It was during that time when Kinsey developed his claims about all sorts of sexual perversions being normal. It was during those times the birth control pill took the nation by storm. And it was during those times when "Rock 'n' Roll" became the brainwashing music media.

  2. I understand, Glenn. I think it actually started longer ago than that. I trace it back, for instance, to the first time any such class of people known as "teenagers" occurred. That was the first half of the 1940's. Prior to that, you were either a child or an adult. In the '40's, with dad off to war and mom earning a living for the family, this class existed to care for the younger kids. This category became the originators of the '50's values who were the originators of the '60's values ... and so on.

  3. I guess I'll have to agree with that.

    And the sad part is, people were known as "young adults" at 13-14 years of age, and treated as such, while we now treat them as children.


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